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他们沿河行驶。They boated down the river.

我正沿河而行。I'm walking along the river.

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他们沿河向下流漂去。They floated down the river.

我们的农田沿河毗连。Our farms join along the river.

在沿河路有一家书店。There's a bookstore on River Road.

木筏沿河顺流而下。The raft is rolling down the river.

玉米田沿河伸展。Fields of corn spread along the river.

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部队沿河排成梯队。The army was echeloned along the river.

当然可以,沿河路有一家书店。Sure. There's a bookstore on River Road.

当然可以。在沿河路有一个书店。Sure. There's a bookstore on River Road③.

沿河两岸皆植有树木。There are trees all along the river banks.

D区沿河狭长带应考虑滨水江堤的景观需要。Part D shall consider the views of river bank.

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道路及沿河驳岸效果图15张。Effects of roads and river embankments Figure 15.

从这里沿河而下一英里处有座桥。There's a bridge a mile down the rimmer from here.

他的眼睛看到的不仅仅是沿河树多。His eyes saw more than just the trees along the river.

第二天一早小船就沿河向下游驶去了。The boat dropped down the river early the next morning.

沿河建起了办公大楼、宾馆和公园。Along the river they have built offices, hotels and parks.

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注重边坡处理,沿河湿地造景。Focus on slope processing, landscaping along the wetlands.

从桃源县沿河而上这已是第五个夜晚。This was the fifth night Of my trip upstream from Taoyuan.

我还是头一次从那座桥那儿沿河往下游走。This was the first time I went downstream from that bridge.