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中班何时开始何时结束?What times does the swing shift begin and end?

在这过程中班饱受惊吓,但他却毫发无损。Ben had a big scare but escaped without injury.

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和我毕业了在我的高中班附近上面。Q. of 137, and I graduated near the top of my high school class.

今日糸早班转中班噶第一晚。Karma today deserves a morning shift change the first night shift.

我带的是幼儿园中班,小家伙们仿佛有无穷的精力。I brought the kindergarten, the kids seemed to have endless energy.

中班应提供客人所要求的服务,如加床等。The noon shift should offer the service of supplying extra bed required.

上中班下半届的儿子,性格改变了很多。Intermediate second half of the session on the son, the character changed a lot.

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这是H202于2010年10月29号在大直高中班际舞蹈比赛中的演出。Performed by H202 in the dancing competition held by Dazhi High, Taipei on Oct 29th 2010.

今天我们中班小朋友将举行一场双语儿歌擂台赛。Today, our KB students will have a bilingual rhymes contest. Now please enjoy our wonderful rhymes.

我们中班的小朋友也等不及了,他们也想在大家面前表现表现,好!Our middle shiftchild also waited to be inferior to, they also to display in frontofeverybody, good!

藉由假日期间几乎在我们之上,狂热者对不安当中班期望一个褐雨燕结束。With the holiday period almost upon us, fans are wishing for a swift end to the unrest amongst the squad.

我们中班的小朋友也等不及了,他们也想在大家面前表现表现,好!Our middle shiftchild also waited to be inferior to, they also wanted to display in front of everybody, good!

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加拿大高中班是个令人兴奋地地方,因为我们鼓励学生全力投入学习从而成为终身学习者。It is an exciting place to be as students are encouraged to engage in their studies and become life-long learners.

中班教师使用讲授言语、维序言语数量多于小班。In the middle-aged classes, teachers'instructive language and commanding language are more than the low-aged classes.

我心中很是清楚,接电话的是邻居家的女儿,小家伙今年才六岁,正在上幼儿园中班。My heart is very clear, the phone is a neighbor's daughter, the little guy is six years old this year, is a kindergarten.

客用卫生间,早中班每1-2小时进行一次整理。下午及后半夜各作一次全面清洁。Guest use toilet, given early every 1 or 2 hours for a finishing. Afternoon after midnight and each a comprehensive clean.

本次调查发现职业伤害的季节性分布特征,昼时分布上有明显的集中时点,以中班为高发。Survey showed that there was seasonal feature of distribution occupational injury and obvious concentrative hour point, which existed in mid-duty.

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客用电梯,早中班每4小时清扫一次,如发现脏了随时清扫,夜班作全面清洁。Guest use elevator, early middle shift every 4 hours cleaning a, such as the discovery of dirty at any time, a comprehensive clean clean night shift.

9月4日,该队中班组长刘先利从家中早早来矿,直奔西区5号宿舍楼513房间探知秘诀。September 4, the team from their homes early in the team leader Liu Xianli to mine, went straight to No. 5 Western dormitory room Discovery 513 tips.

遵守安全规则,按上级指示完成任务。能根据安排在中班或者晚班工作。具有较好的组织能力。Obey Safety Rules. Can do other jobs as requested by supervisor. Must be willing to work second or third shift. Must have very good organization skills.