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在那儿办理登记手续?Where can I check in ?

办手续要用的,你知道吧。I doubt you don't know.

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请去海关办理手续。Please proceed to customs.

我已办手续借这些书。I've booked out these books.

好的。请去海关办理手续。OK. Please proceed to customs.

我应如何办手续?How shall I take its procedure?

前往海关办理结关手续。Go to the Customs for clearance.

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入住手续便捷,套房很可爱。Swift check-in, suite was lovely.

这手续会花很多时间吗?Does the procedure take much time?

她将为你办理手续。She'll handle your deposit for you.

海关检查的手续很简单。The custom formalities are simple.

昨天,我帮助她注册手续。Yesterday I helped her to register.

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李亚妮在旅馆办理入住手续。Li Yani is checking in at her hotel.

我应办什么手续?What kind of procedure shall I take?

我应该在哪里办理入境手续?。Which way shall I go to immigration?

他熟悉出口手续。He is familiar with export procedure.

这张电子机票我该如何办理登机手续?How do I check in with this e-ticket?

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登记手续,并到劳动保障行政部门办理变更备案手续。Labour and Social Security department.

您乘坐的航班在值机18号柜台办理乘机手续。You should check in at Counter No. 18.

这些手续真罗嗦。All these formalities are overelaborate.