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许多居住在水城。Many live in Watertown.

我变老了,水城也是。I was older, so was Venice.

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我今天从静水城回来到我父母的家。I came home from Stillwater today.

水城是一个家庭度假的好地方。Watertown is a place for the family to take a vacation.

钟灵毓秀,这里是闻名遐迩的独秀水城。Elegant and Graceful, here is the famous Silk City alone.

水城是适合于全家人度假的好地方。Watertown is a great place for① the family to take a vacation.

一位水城公民告诉警察有人躲在他的船里。A citizen in Watertown told police someone was hiding in his boat.

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水城是贵州最严重的岩溶塌陷区之一。Shuicheng County is one of the most serious karst collapse regions.

阿姆斯特丹是一座风光奇丽的水城,有“北方威尼斯”之称。Amsterdam is one of the scenery Qi Li Shuicheng, "North Venice" said.

中国的水城水乡多,尤其是在长三角这个地区。China has many water towns, especially in the Yangtze river delta area.

威尼斯是一个美丽的水上城市,是世界著名的水城,它的美是水和桥构成的。Venice is a beautiful city, is a world famous city, it is water and bridge.

路边的小河道和一座座石桥再一次印证了它水城这个名字。The small river courses and stone bridges prove again that it is a water city.

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内涝依然很严重,低洼街区变水城。Water logging is still very serious, low-lying neighborhoods change into Water City.

在我军强大的攻势下,徐水城很快就被攻破。It is below the offensive with my powerful army, xu water city is very fast by breach.

威尼斯水城由150条运河和400座桥组成,形成了117座小岛。The city is a network of 150 canals and over 400 bridges connecting about 117 islands.

六枝煤田的全硫含量明显高于水城煤田。The total sulphur content of the Liuzhi coal is higher than that of the Shuicheng coal.

11月28日,游客在比利时水城布鲁日举办的第十届冰雕节上参观。On November 28, tourists enjoy the 10th Ice Sculptures Festival held in Bruges, Belgium.

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设计延续城市景观“梨乡水城”的总体规划目标,构筑“西园东水”的城市景观空间。The target of masterplan is doing the extension of cityscape that the 'Pear-water Country'.

我以前去过中国几个水城,包括杭州、苏州、周庄等。I have already been to several Chinese water towns, including Hangzhou, Suzhou and Zhouzhuang.

那时,约阿布正攻打阿孟子民的辣巴,佔据了水城。And Joab fought against Rabbath of the children of Ammon, and laid close siege to the royal city.