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鲁朗林场的一个小孩,别嫌他脏,很可爱。Boy, one day you'll be a man.

他在林场里过着孤单的生活?。He lives a lonely life in the tree farm.

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该系统已经应用于文安县多个林场。The software has already been used in Wen'an county.

卡尔登走回他自己林场的家之前喝了咖啡。Before Calderon walked home to his own ranch, he drank coffee.

这棵树接近18英尺高,来自宾州的一个林场。It reaches 18 feet tall and is from a tree farm in Pennsylvania.

在北京的八达岭,一个碳汇林林场已经成形。Badaling in Beijing, a woods carbon sink forest farms have formed.

在北京的八达岭,一个碳汇林林场已经成形。Badaling in Beijing, a forest carbon sink forest farms have formed.

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在北京的八达岭,一个碳汇林林场已经成形。Badaling in Beijing, a forest carbon sink forest harvests have formed.

在北京的八达岭,一个碳汇林林场已经成形。Badaling in Beijing, a jungle carbon sink jungle harvests have formed.

好几个灌木林场都种上了白杨、柳树和赤杨。Several coppice plantations have been seeded with poplar willow and alder.

Dixon说公司使用的原料来自加拿大可再生林场。Dixon said the company used products from sustainbly farmed forests in Canada.

为了林区的更新,该项目建立了苗圃和林场。The project has established nurseries and plantations to regenerate the forest.

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论述了建立和谐林场是森林经理的内在要求。Setting up the harmonious forest farm is the inherent demand of forest management.

母亲说要栽些树,我就到大队林场去买了些樟树苗。I then went to the plantation of the procession and bought some saplings of camphors.

蔡家川林场森林景观异质性高,森林类型丰富多样。The forest landscape of the farmheterogeneity was high, the forest types were diversity.

三盐场、农场、牧场、林场、茶场,应检附登记证书。Salt pits, ranges, pastures, forest and tea plantations shall submit registration certificates.

林场的合理规划将为其它国有林场可持续发展提供导向和示范作用。Which rational planning will set good example for other forestry farm's sustainable development.

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顺应时代发展需求,迅速推广的家庭林场显示了旺盛的生命力。As the social development, household ecological forest farm showed its increasing potential vigor.

景宁县鹤溪林场板栗林遭金龟子危害严重。The species of scarabs attacking chestnuts were investigated in Hexi Forest Farm, Jingning County.

本文对带岭林业局东方红林场进行了大景观尺度的研究。In this paper, the author studied the landscape of Dongfanghong Forest Farm in Dailing Forest Sector.