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截止日前的检查权。Inspection Rights Prior to Closing.

请于二零一一年四月一日前回覆本会秘书处。Please reply on or before 1 April 2011.

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末日前一个月,四行八作都关了张。One month before the end, businesses close.

我们会在十一月卅日前完成您的订单需逑。We shall achieve your order by November 30.

日前,达美航空在其公司博客上对这种新流程做出了解释。Delta outlined the new procedure on its blog.

他日前因膝伤而缺席比赛。He is currently sidelined with a knee injury.

在九月十九日前预订将享有七折优惠。Octavo for each song title will be published.

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此投标书应于六月二十六日前提交。This tender should be submitted by June 26th.

而日前的一组统计学家却有不同看法。But one group of statisticians begs to differ.

世界末日前你唯一想做的事情就是买一堆桶子?It is a list of things I want to do before I die.

这张唱片的另一副本日前出现在雅虎日本拍卖网站,起拍价为5万日元。Japan auction with a starting price of 50, 000 yen.

日前我在街上遇见了一位朋友。The other day I came across a friend in the street.

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在4月5日前把它送到上海旅游协会。Send it to Shanghai Tourist Association before 5 April.

玄彬在海军陆战队的训练生活日前公开。Hyun Bin training in the Marines before the public life.

第一座法拉利乐园日前在阿布达比亮相。The first Ferrari Theme Park will be opened in Abu Dhabi.

日前有消息透露,奥斯卡影后凯特•温丝莱特在与莱昂纳多•迪卡普里奥拍摄床戏时简直要“抓狂”。when she had to perform sex scenes with Leonardo DiCaprio.

每批货品的名誉证应在发货日前30天寄达我方。The letter of credit for each order shall reach us 30 days.

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一款以咖啡豆为驱动力的汽车日前在英国亮相。A car that runs on coffee beans has been unveiled in the UK.

世界粮食日前一天组织的粮农组织大使圆桌会议The FAO Ambassadors Round Table on the eve of World Food Day

这就是为什么日前上海的A股市场也出现了下跌。That's why the A shares market in Shanghai tanked today, too.