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六书,最近发明的空气。Six books, most recently Invention of Air.

是一个能有介绍六书但却很有创造力及活力的网站。There will be a briefing book six but very creative and dynamic websites.

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中国古代透过六书的方法造字。In ancient China, Chinese characters were made according to six categories.

依汉字结构,介绍造字原理与六书内涵。Introduce character-making principles and six categories of Chinese characters.

转注是传统汉字结构理论的“六书”之一。Transcription is one of the six categories of traditional structural theory of Chinese characters.

对其进行了“六书”的归类,与现代汉语相比较,看其替代情况。Comparing with the modern Chinese, the author looks at the situation that has been replaced in modern Chinese.

六书原理中的各个造字法在部分华文广告创意表现中有着很多的运用。The methods of "six book" have a lot of applications in the performance of some advertisement creation in China.

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汉字构形的分析研究,历来都将许慎的六书作为依据和准则。We always regard Xushen's Liushu as the basis and criterion on the analysis and research of the topography of Chinese characters.

“六书”说是汉代学者创立的关于汉字结构的系统理论。"Liu-Shu" theory is a system of theories on Chinese characters structure, which was established by the scholar in the Han Dynasty.

这是分析他的“六书说”所要掌握的重要部分,也是马氏“六书说”的轴心骨。We must grasp this important part like axis spirit when analyzing his theory. The paper also performs the concrete narration to its theory.

六书理论中的兼书问题,是宋元明时期六书学研究中的一个突出问题,也是对后来研究者影响较大的问题之一。As one of the prominent issues in the six-script theory, the concurrent script had considerable influence on the later generations of researchers.

为此,笔者建议在“六书”说的框架之上,建立一个层级更高的汉字结构之新框架。Hence, the author of this paper proposes that under the framework of "Liu-Shu" theory, a new and higher level of framework for Chinese characters structure should be created.

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冯友兰哲学作为中国现代哲学的重要创获,其贡献主要体现在“三史”“六书”中。As the important achievement of Chinese modern philosophy, his philosophy's contribution is mainly expressed in his three books on Chinese philosophy history and six books on Chinese philosophy.

本文在吸取众多学者有益成果的基础上,对传统“六书”作为汉字构形的演化,尤其对其中的“假借、转注、形声”进行了分析和评价。Based on a quantitative analysis, this article mainly focuses on the research of the reclassification of modern Chinese pictophonetic characters according to their word-shape, sound and meaning.

“六书”原理中的各个造字法在部分华文广告创意表现中有着很多的运用。Based on the analysis of the performance of the principles in "six book", a number of specific methods about the performance of advertisement creation in form in China are creatively brought up.

但同样是以汉字作为研究重点的汉字标志设计领域却对“六书”的成果涉猎较少,偶有触及者也没有系统的论断。However, similarly take the Chinese characters research as focus, the study in "six categories of characters" were very few in the Chinese logo design domain, lacking for systematically judgment.