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那名学生又开始叫苦不迭。Then students started to complain incessantly.

这是一场人们叫苦不迭的旅途。This is a journey that's filled with complaints.

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此起彼伏,而一旦如海啸般袭来的时候再叫苦不迭。Come and go, but as soon as the tsunami hit and then complain incessantly when.

就在罗三好心中叫苦不迭时,八路军主力突然过来增援。In Luo Miyoshi heart complain incessantly, the Eight Route Army main reinforcements came.

曲筱绡叫苦不迭打了一个电话给胜美,把自己的遭遇说了出来。QuXiao gauze squealed made a phone call to beauty, to speak out what had happened to her.

的确有许多工作令人极度厌烦,而且超负荷地工作更是让人叫苦不迭。There is certainly much work which is exceedingly irksome, and an excess ofwork is always very painful.

好吧,部长先生,你的话不值钱便罢了,这么多新西兰百姓可是面对着越来越贵的诊费叫苦不迭。Well Minister, while your talk is cheap, the costs facing many New Zealanders are getting more expensive.

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这种可能性不大,因为政府目前已经担心通胀的加剧正让消费者叫苦不迭。That seems unlikely because the government is already concerned that rising inflation is hurting consumers.

“如果你恨他,就让他去装修”,有过室内装潢经历的人几乎都对其中的繁、累、诈叫苦不迭。"If you hate somebody, make him renovate the house" Anyone who had the experience of decoration would complain heavily.

英国产假改革方案于昨日生效,各企业叫苦不迭,称这一改革会让他们背上20亿英镑的负担。Businesses in UK claim reforms of maternity leave which came into force yesterday will saddle them with a £2billion bill.

尽管飞涨的物价让打工者叫苦不迭,但他们说如果精打细算一些,还是可以存下部分工资的。Despite bitter complaints about soaring prices, workers say they can scrimp enough to save at least a chunk of their wages.

这原本应该为业内所称道的一个未雨绸缪的举措,如今却让李厂长叫苦不迭。This was originally a proactive initiative should be commended for the industry, but now let Director Lee constantly complain.

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相对而言,美国还比较年轻,比较有活力,欧洲国家已经为社会福利与移民问题叫苦不迭了。Europe will struggle with financing its welfare state and absorbing immigrants, whereas America will remain relatively young and vigorous.

他们觉得洗生菜是低三下四的工作,因此做起来很勉强而且往往从开始工作就开始叫苦不迭。They believe that cleaning lettuce is beneath them and they do it begrudgingly. They complain and whine the whole time they are cleaning lettuce.

而且这也可能影响在俄罗斯投资的英国人。他们中的一些人已经对克里姆林宫不受法律制约的打压政策叫苦不迭。It could also have consequences for British investors in Russia, some of whom—such as BP—have already suffered from the Kremlin's bullying, extra-legal methods.

监管障碍以及很多出手阔绰的印度富豪可以在海外购物,这些都常常使得奢侈品牌为在印度赚钱而叫苦不迭。These regulatory hurdlesâ 'and the option many jet-setting wealthy Indians have of shopping abroad means luxury brands often struggle to make a profit in India.

金融风暴不仅仅让汽车企业叫苦不迭,也让很多近几来才成立的以汽车为主导产业的开发区深受其害。The financial crisis not only makes automobile company constantly complain, but also lets some development area suffer a great deal, in which automobile industry plays a leading role.

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加州的那块场地,素以慢球远名——2006年,纳芙拉蒂洛娃就曾叫苦不迭“你再怎么大力截击,跑完五分钟之后回来,还能将球击到。”The California courts have a reputation for playing quite slow—in 2006, Martina Navratilova griped, “you hit a great volley, and the person’s got five minutes to run it down and hit it by you.”