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他的母亲呵护着他。His mom smothers him.

愿所有的吉星呵护着你!I hope all of you the care!

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爱是无微不至的窝心呵护。Love is the Woxin meticulous care.

这种加倍的呵护你能从玉兰油美容霜中得到。The kind you get from Oil of Olay.

OYO对宝宝的呵护,就像妈妈的怀抱。OYO's care just like mother's breast.

用特别的护手霜来呵护双手。Treat them with a special hand cream.

在老公的呵护下一定会好得快!Take care ! And everything will be fine.

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他像对自己亲生女儿一样呵护她。He babies her as if she is his own daughter.

从许多方面说来,他都是吴尔芙的呵护者。In many ways, Leonard was Woolf's caretaker.

宝马良驹在这里受到了加倍的呵护。Precious horses are taken good care of here.

孩子需要父母的呵护,路人皆知。Everybody knows that children need parenting.

总之,他们会真正地关心你,呵护你。Above all, they will really care and love you.

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到了如今,我一边微笑,一边想起母亲的呵护有加。I smiled, thinking about her overprotectiveness now.

我用自然美洁净你,你用心灵美呵护我。I use the natural beauty clean you, you care my mind.

呵护孩子、倾听心声、耐心诱导。She hugs the children, listens to them, cajoles them.

相信我,我会小心翼翼去呵护你那易碎的心。Believe in me. I will take care of your fragile heart.

在那些日子里,他一直细心呵护着自己的妻子。In those days, it was he who was the protective spouse.

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呵护女人,从养巢、修宫开始!Care of women should start with ovary and uterus nursing!

用矿物化妆品呵护你的皮肤吧。Nourish your skin and look your best with mineral makeup.

我的兄弟和姐妹们得到过我不曾得到过的呵护吗?Had my brothers and sisters been given something I hadn`t?