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定然在天街闲游。Must be wandering in the Heaven Street.

我们定然还会听到更多关于她的新闻。We'll certainly be hearing more from her.

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动能定然增加了。Well, kinetic energy has clearly increased.

你定然觉得你什么都知道。Of course you think you know everything about sex.

你定然想不到他们是怎样一个稀奇的民族。Thou canst not think how strange a people they are.

你们若是不信,定然不得立稳。If ye will not believe, surely ye shall not be established.

定然会引出大争论的。不要急,一个个来讨论吧。Only f7.0 incites debate. Don't worry, each one to discuss it.

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你定然不会不给我一颗心而将我送去另一个世界吧?Surely thou wilt not send me without a heart into another world?

你们若是不信,定然不得立稳。If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.

此时已经散去,然而它们定然会再蹿出来攻其不备。At this time has been dispersed, however they will then leapt out unexpectedly.

也有人会琢磨,像他这种人定然相信吸烟不会致癌,HIV病毒也与艾滋病无关。He should argue that smoking does not cause cancer and HIV does not lead to Aids.

普世的混乱随之而来的定然是道德败坏,它的影响犹胜于智识的倒退。The general confusion was bound to bring moral decay, even more than intellectual enfeeblement.

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那么,这顿饭定然令我食量倍增,直吃得小腹如鼓方止。Well, this certainly will have meals I appetite doubled, direct your stomach if you eat dark side only.

但这些问题定然促使政府考虑他们究竟是要追寻什么样的经济道路。But those concerns are certainly prompting the government to reflect on what sort of economic path it wants to pursue.

如果选择“绑定然后客户端”传输模式,则仅在绑定模式连接失败时,才驱动通道出口。If "bindings then client" transport mode is chosen, channel exits will only be driven if the bindings mode connection fails.

看来,这株芭蕉对月长老而言,意义非同寻常,其中定然有不为人知的故事。See, this stub banana to month elder, the meaning settles however has an unknown article in them not and together and normally.

大多数宗教要求起码相信某些超自然的事件,而超自然的事件定然与科学不相谋和。Most religions demand belief in at least some supernatural events, which are by definition impossible to reconcile with science.

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我不认替将来定然比过来更易以预言,相同,我认为该从前合初时它也是不否意料的。I would not say that the future is necessarily less predictable than the past. I think the past was not predictable when it started.

我认为,每个人的一生都充满着得失成败。若人们都可以怀有善心地向受困的人伸出援助之手的话,这世界定然会变得更加美丽。To me , life is full of ups and downs for everyone. If people can be kind and help those in trouble, our world will be more beautiful.

并且上学要花钱,现实一点的家庭定然会把这笔钱保证给儿子读书,因为儿子是更有可估量的利用价值的。And schooling costs money, which a practical family is surely guarding most carefully for sons, with their more readily measurable worth.