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这终究是一场败仗。It is a losing game.

黑话终究是太丑了!Why, argot is horrible!

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终究,这就是她的工作。That, after all, is her job.

终究保存在草稿箱。It is preserved in the draft box.

那些该离去的,终究留不住。Those this leave, it does not stay.

然而,这种窘境终究会熬过去的。That embarrassment will pass, however.

跟他在一同的谁人女人终究是谁?。Who on earth is that female he's with?

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可是,北京与马林郡终究不同。But Beijing isn't exactly Marin County.

不管你做什么,改变终究会来。Change will come no matter what you do.

我在想念,可心已疲倦,你给的终究还是走了。I miss you, be tired, you will still go.

或许,我们终究都会成为社会主义者。Maybe we'll all be socialists after all.

我早就知道你终究会给我说服的。But I knew I should persuade you at last.

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我终究还是被锁在了回不去的过往。I still locked cannot go back of the past.

终究昭阳会否贪生怕死?Zhaoyang will you afraid to die after all?

终究只有一个种族----人类。After all there is but one race---humanity.

摸黑的人终究会玷污。He that touches the pitch shall be defiled.

或许赫拉终究还是太超前于她的时代了。Maybe Hera was ahead of her time after all.

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那皮肤发黄,终究和什麽相联系呢?That yellow skin, what, and what linked it?

易买得终究是一家怎样的企业?Easy to buy what is a what kind of business?

她终究会了解他的感情。In the end she will understand his feelings.