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小青年逃了。The youth fled.

他不过是个小青年。He is just a lad.

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他遭到了一帮小青年的袭击。He was attacked by a gang of youths.

但是,我又没有力量拒绝小青年的欲望。However, I have no desire to force refused to small youth.

有一农场小青年查德得知这一消息后,心里既高兴又失落。A farm lad Chad when he heard the news, happy and lose heart.

小青年待我极好,开车卖力,交帐忠诚。Little young to be my wonderful, hard drive, loyalty pay off.

美国时尚设计师们的谈吐就像加州的小青年。American fashion stylists all talk like Californian teenagers.

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一小群小青年没走,在起哄、叫骂。A small group of youths stayed behind to heckle and shout abuse.

就是这样,行为就像粗俗的小青年,因为他人只是在那里工作。Thats it, act like a yob because someone is just doing there job.

瑟斯顿安静、勤勉、聪明,象小青年一样漂亮。Thurston was quiet, studious, brilliant and good-looking in a boyish way.

于是,这位新时代的雷锋帮着小青年一路推车到了派出所。Then, the new era of Lei Feng to help youth road cart to the police station.

聚会中有个小青年总缠著我,我也甩不开他。A young man attached himself to me at the party and I couldn't get rid of him.

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一群整个下午都在本地火车站抽烟的小青年?The bunch of teenagers who spend their afternoons smoking in the local railway station?

你们小青年就是浮躁。知道为什么冬天是进补的黄金季节吗?You don't have talk about all this big picture stuff. Just tell us directly how to fix it.

你可以花钱请门口的小青年来修剪草坪,或是在你工作的时候替你照看孩子。You could pay a local teenager to mow the lawn, or to watch your kids while you get on with work.

突然两个骑摩托车的小青年从我身旁疾驶而过,抢了前面一位女士的挎包。Suddenly' two young fellows on a motorbike sped by me andsnatched a bag from a woman in front ofme.

而如今,科技发达,或许是人们吃的东西导致小青年们荷尔蒙乱飞。Today, the development of science and technology, maybe people eat food the lad to flying about hormones.

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这是一部超自然惊悚片,几个小青年,正在澳大利亚内陆人稀的地区,他们受到一辆无人驾驶的列车的威胁。A supernatural thriller about a group of teenagers menaced by a driver-less train in the Australian outback.

他和一个朋友在当地一家中餐馆里吃午饭时,一伙儿拉美洲男女小青年走了过来。As he and a friend lunched at a local Chinese restaurant, a tough group of Latino boys and girls approached.

路边亲亲我我恋爱的小青年们为了一点小事要死要活。The fictional young lovers at the street curbs were still fighting as if it were life and death for trivial things.