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他的鼾声把她惊醒了。His snores woke her up.

这天是吉姆布伦南的生日,8月潮湿的清晨,外面花园的鸟鸣声让他惊醒。It is Jim Brennan's birthday.

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响亮的啪啦一声把他惊醒了。What woke him was a loud crash.

你惊醒了一个沉睡的巨人。You have awoken a sleeping giant.

露西从噩梦中猛然惊醒。Lucy jerked awake from a nightmare.

显然是那叫声惊醒了他。The cry had evidently startled him.

第六章在梦中惊醒!!!Chapter VI woke up in the dream! ! !

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我被一声可怕的雷声惊醒。I was awaked by terrible thundering.

那人的喊叫声惊醒了镇上的值夜人。The man's cry aroused the town watch.

结果他惊醒了,手一弹打在我脸上。He woke up and punched me in the face.

突然,一声长啸惊醒了沉睡的女神。Suddenly, a whistle startled the goddess.

电话铃声把他从睡梦中惊醒。The sound of the telephone pierced his sleep.

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昨夜你有没有被地震惊醒?Were you wakened by the earthquake last night.

沙柳被一声叫喊惊醒了。Willow was startled from her sleep by a shout.

几星期后,疼痛还是会让他在深夜里惊醒。For weeks afterward, the pain woke him at night.

第二天清晨,砰砰的马蹄声把我们从睡梦中惊醒。The next morning we wake to the thump of hooves.

沉重的脚步声惊醒了看家豿。The sound of heavy footsteps awoke the watchdog.

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他从噩梦中惊醒,因为恐惧而吓得发抖。He woke up from a nightmare, trembling with fear.

他从签梦中惊醒,因为恐惧而吓得发抖。He woke up from a nightmare , trembling with fear.

众人从睡梦中惊醒,慌忙赶出门外。All awakened from sleep, flurried cast out the door.