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每个都有阴暗面。Eveyone has a dark side.

然而这一切都有其阴暗面。But all this has a dark side.

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所以说,这条狗是有阴暗面的。So this is a dog with a dark side.

你的阴暗面告诉你什么?What does your seamy side tell you?

怎样解决心理的阴暗面?How to solve psychological the seamy side?

你还没有见到社会的阴暗面。You're not aware of the seamy side of life.

他信政府也有阴暗面。There was a darker side to the Taksin government.

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这就是废金属回收产业的阴暗面。Enter the shadier side of the scrap-metal business.

我们已经目睹了全球联通的阴暗面。We have seen the dark side of global connectedness.

生活的阴暗面包括犯罪和其它邪恶事情。The seamy side of life includes crime and other evils.

爱找别人阴暗面的人,自己也常又失去魅力。Those who find faults with other offer lose their glamour.

是的,它揭示了美国饮食的阴暗面。Exactly. Jt reveals the dark side of the all-American meal.

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你真地想年复一年去和你的阴暗面作斗争吗?Do you really want to battle your dark side year after year?

在挖掘内心深处的自卑自负之后,发现心里的阴暗面是躲避不了自己的眼睛的。I find that can not avoid my own eyes in dark side at heart.

安妮在富裕安逸的环境中长大,不大知道生活的阴暗面。Annie grew up in comfort knowing little of the seamy side of life.

不久,在家里辟邪尽量采取萨莉的阴暗面。Soon, evil spirits in the house try to take Sally to the dark side.

然而,这项我们提出了一个你潜在阴暗面的问题。However, this does bring up an issue about your potential dark side.

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这本揭露国家阴暗面的书扰乱了鸽舍。The book about the dark side of the country fluttered the dovecotes.

当然,现代街道对话有一个众所周知的阴暗面。Of course there is a well-known dark side to contemporary street rap.

要接受自己的阴暗面,就要首先承认自己是不完美的。To accept our seamy side, we must first admit that we are not perfect.