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有样学样,我不喜欢,完全否定,不遗余力。I hate the man who has no personality.

她不遗余力地提供援助。She was unstinting in her efforts to help.

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而那个事实就是你已经尽你所能,你已经不遗余力。There wasnt one more thing you could've done.

风不遗余力地对着我们狂吹。The wind did its best to blow right through us.

尽管他们不遗余力救灾,但还是有11万人殒命。Despite their efforts, 110, 000 people perished.

我们要不遗余力地为考研做好准备。We should spare no effort to get ready for NGEE.

他们会不遗余力地实现目标。They would do anything to accomplish their goals.

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如果你学习,我们会不遗余力地支持你们。If you study, we will spare no effort to support you.

我们应该不遗余力地美化我们的环境。We should make all our efforts to improve our environment.

这些官员会不遗余力地中饱私囊They'll keep as much of the cut as they can possibly steal.

我方将不遗余力为贵方效劳。We spare no efforts in endeavoring to be of service to you.

因此,以下图片均是不遗余力的精选之作。So the following selection is much like the Eye – unsparing.

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黄老鞋尤其应该不遗余力勇往直前。YOS, in particular, should spare no efforts to push forward.

为了在此之前筹集到更多资金,拜登也不遗余力。In order to raise more funds before, Biden also spared no effort.

在某一时间,每一个博客都不遗余力来创作优秀的作品。At some point, every blogger strives to create outstanding content.

而洛克希德·马丁方面,则不遗余力的推介F-35战机的全方位隐身能力。For its part, Lockheed Martin pushes the F-35's all-aspect stealth.

在反抗帝王专制政体斗争中,他不遗余力。He went to all lengths in opposing the monarchial form of government.

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我们必须不遗余力地去寻找那些会帮助我们的人来扭转局势,转变风气。We must stop at nothing to find those who will help us turn the tide.

如果贵方给以我们代庖署理权,我们将不遗余力为贵方夺取长处。文国网。If you give us the agency, we will spare no effort to further your interests.

虽然抛弃了他,夫人梅尔里奥仍然不遗余力的痛苦,帮助奥斯蒙德。Although discarded by him, Madame Merle still spares no pains in helping Osmond.