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神灯再现!Magic Lamp again!

中国的金童能再现辉煌吗?Can China's golden boy repeat?

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你的美绝不会再现芳踪。Thy beauty shall no more be found.

我希望能够再现荷马的原话I wish I could reproduce the Homer.

随着一声号角,光亮再现。As a clarion sounding light returns.

如果你的前妻再现,就让她在那。If your ex-wife reappeared, so be it.

政府应当做的,是避免1930-1932年的失误再现。Instead it should aim to avoid 1930-32.

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该剧再现了战前的生活景象。The play re-creates life before the war.

无暇的记忆将会放映再现。Which memory that errs not shall retrace.

历史如同过去的经验的再现。History as reenactment of past experience.

幻灯片是你所创建简报的再现。Slides are the images of your presentation.

黑夜又临,晨光再现,是为第三天。Evening came, and morning came, a third day.

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反向打印再现了太阳漂白褪色。Reverse print recreates a sun-bleached fade.

再现了许多已失传的典籍。To re-discover many lost classical documents.

他的成功史也再现了一个创新者的心态。His story also reveals the innovator’s mindset.

UP6型机器人为传统的示教再现机器人。MOTOMAN-UP6 robot is a traditional playback robot.

画家设法再现模特儿的美。The painter tried to catch the beauty of his model.

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探讨了动力学过程的再现性。A producibility of kinetic process was investigated.

昔日的忠诚、怨恨和偏见会再现,情绪激增。Old loyalties, grievances, and prejudices re-emerge.

现场报导逼真地再现了抢劫的全过程。The live coverage reproduced the robbery to the life.