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或是我老妈的"帕罗西汀"。Or my mom's paxil?

别惹老妈。Don’t mess with moms.

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我老妈不让我去。My mom forbad me to go.

挥手,跟屏幕前的老妈打个招呼Wave. Wave to mom at home.

好吧,我得先问问我老妈。Alright, I’ll go ask my mom.

比老妈年轻十五岁。Fifteen years younger than mam.

老爸老妈,我好像你们耶!Father And Mother, I Look-Like You!

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“我不会那么做”,老妈说。"I shouldn't do that, " Mummy said.

这就是为什么我没有把你打回你老妈的家!Next thing I know, I give him a smack.

只是老妈是否知你仍未归家?。But does your mother know that you're out?

很显然,它源于希腊语。老妈,对不起您老人家了。Evidently it comes from Greek. Sorry mom.

我爱我妈妈,她是史上最赞的老妈!I love my mom for being the best mom ever!

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老妈也满心欢喜的忙里忙外。Mama was also very happy, busy in and out.

下午我跟我的阿姨和老妈逛街去了。I went shopping with my mum and aunty today.

还是把那家伙的老妈给睡了?。Maybe give the guy's mother a good rodgering?

远远的,和我们老妈的卫生间聊天去。Away, to have a chat with our mother’s toilet.

我老妈给我和我的老师拍了几幅照片。Mum took a couple photos of my teachers and I.

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老妈甩干了她的印度墨水笔和我走了上来。Mummy dried her Indian ink pen and came with me.

这样的待遇,他从老妈那里已经受够了。He got enough of that kind of treatment from Mom.

罗德里克最近也吃了老妈的苦头。Rodrick's in some hot water with Mom right now, too.