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你能猜出这个谜语吗?Can you answer this riddle?

我们虚构了不真实的谜语we invented impossible riddles

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他终于猜出了这个谜语。He found out the riddle at last.

这个谜语终于得到了解答。The riddle was at last unriddled.

回答这个谜语,诗中的谜语。You answer the riddle,the poem riddle.

是我。我猜,下一个谜语,还是我。Me. And the next one, just a guess, me.

谜语变奏曲,作品36之9,猎手。Enigma Variations, Op. 36, No. 9, Nimrod.

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制作迷宫或者想出谜语让大家来解答Make mazes or puzzles for each other to solve.

她给它们唱摇篮曲,教它们谜语。She sang them lullabies and taught them riddles.

原创主题变奏曲,作品36,“谜语”Variations on an Original Theme, Op. 36, Enigma.

听着朋友们下面是一个谜语。Listen, here's a riddle for all you smarty pants!

此谜语,已成为警队内部经典笑谈。This riddle, has become the Internal Classic joke.

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在上课之前,小朋友们,我们猜个谜语,好不好?Kiddies, let's guess a riddle before our class, OK?

进入,找到一个奖杯,还有一张谜语地图。Enter to find a trophy, as well as the Riddler's map.

上去之后你会找到两个谜语奖杯。Grapple up there and you'll find two Riddler trophies.

在一个神秘的腐坏的山谷谜语系列。A series of riddles set in the mysterious Addle Valley.

前33句回文既是谜语又很深奥。The first 33 palindromes were both riddles and profound.

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老师连出几个谜语我们都没想出来。The teacher even a few riddle we didn't want to come out.

闯入谜语人的隐秘藏身所,实现你的复仇。Break into Riddler's secret hideout and exact your revenge.

为什么没有被答出来的谜语就像没有人来参加的宴会一样?Why are riddles unanswered like a party that no one comes to?