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她那金色的头发像阳光般熠熠发亮。Her golden hair flared like the sun.

真正的淡褐色眼睛,而且熠熠发光!The true hazel eye-and so brilliant!

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这的钻饰,似银河轻泻,熠熠闪耀。The diamond jewelry shines like the flowing galaxy.

半夜�微光幽幽,中午时紫光熠熠There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow

半夜里微光幽幽,中午时紫光熠熠。There midnights all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow.

依旧金光熠熠的鎏金铜马车配件。The shining still gold-plated bronze fittings of gharry.

而星光熠熠的红毯又是另一个亮点。The star-studded cast on the red carpet is another highlight.

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有人说,它其实是一只灰狼,红眼睛熠熠闪烁。Some said it was actually a wolf, grey with flashing red eyes.

四张桌上摆着熠熠闪光的金盘和高脚酒杯。These tables were laid with glittering golden plates and goblets.

走到树下,我惊奇地发现,草地上有一片红叶正在阳光下熠熠闪光。The lone Maple tree in my backyard kept a quiet watch on the rising sun.

这实际行动中的真理,在每一句话语、每一个行为中熠熠闪光。It is rectitude--truth in action, and shines through every word and deed.

整齐的发酵罐,在蓝天白云的映衬下熠熠发光!Neat fermentation tanks, which against the background of the blue sky gleaming.

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恰普曼灯塔熠熠闪烁,它像一只三脚架矗立在烂泥平台上。The Chapman lighthouse, a three-legged thing erect on a mudbank, shone strongly.

到了晚上,嵌在每个塑料棒内的光源将会使整个场馆熠熠放光。At night, light sources embedded in each rod will allow the whole structure to glow.

追逐着你的帆影,看见了你的帆上绵延着我们的柔情蜜意,在阳光中熠熠闪烁。Chasing your sail, I saw our heartthrob rolling on the sea, glittering at the sunshine.

一支睡莲在旧金山温室花房的水生植物区熠熠绽放着。A water lily glows in the aquatic plants area of San Francisco's Conservatory of Flowers.

假若有一天我们回忆,它仍会在你心里深处的某个角落熠熠发光。One day if we recall the memory , it'll still shinning in one deeply corner of your heart.

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海伦娜·邦汉·卡特演绎的反角贝拉特里克斯·莱斯特兰奇光彩熠熠但颇有些大材小用。Helena Bonham Carter as the villainous Bellatrix Lestrange is a shining but underused talent.

海伦娜·邦汉·卡特演绎的反角贝拉特里克斯·莱斯特兰奇光彩熠熠但颇有些大材小用。Helena Bonham Carter as the villainous Bellatrix Lestrange is a shining but underused talent.

但是在国外,因为他的争议性的和经常的反西方言论,他的形象并非熠熠光辉。Abroad, though, his image has been tarnished by his controversial, often anti-Western utterances.