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人们担心的是那些头目。People are worried about the big fish.

特工的头目狠狠地打了一顿斯科菲尔德。The head of the agents beat him heavily.

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“头目”同样还会需要一名“军师”。The 'boss' will also need a 'consigliere'.

他是那个组织名义上的头目。He is the titular head of the organization.

这些坏头目注定要受到惩处。The ringleaders were marked out for punishment.

而这个头目正是哈立德·谢赫·穆罕默德。The official turned out to be Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

在那里,他们成为了这个软骨犯罪头目的财产。There, they became the gristly crime lord's property.

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该队队员装扮成毒品贩子,诱捕罪犯头目。The team posed as drug dealers to trap the ringleaders.

李秋云,人体带毒团伙的头目。Li Qiuyun, human body carries the head of poisonous gang.

士兵们拷上了团伙的头目并盖住他的头。The soldiers handcuff the ring leader and cover his head.

评论家们说该团体已分裂成以几个头目为核心的小派别。Critics say the group has atomized around several leaders.

基地组织头目本拉登为他们提供武器。He says al-Qaeda leader Osama bin-Laden has given them weapons.

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穗积是合金弹头2和合金弹头X第五个头目。The Hozmi is the fifth boss from Metal Slug 2 and Metal Slug X.

警方决心查出犯罪团伙头目的藏匿处。The police are determined to smoke out the leaders of the gang.

要清除这座城市的不法之徒,先得逮捕他们的头目。Before we can clean up this city, we must arrest the main squeeze.

歹徒头目决定要将告密者用汽车绑架去干掉。The gang leader decided that the informer must be taken for a ride.

我的任务是调查一家大型慈善组织的头目乔巴拿纳。My job is to investigate Joe Banana who is the head of a big charity.

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入选名单的还有“基地”头目奥斯马·本·拉登和他的幕僚阿布·穆萨布·阿尔·扎卡维。Osama bin Laden and his ally, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, were also listed.

萨利赫已下令Sadeq的头目被逮捕,但仍然目中无人。Saleh has ordered Sadeq's arrest but the tribal chief remains defiant.

强盗头目口服心服,随即将自己的种种罪行一一如实供出……The head gangster gave up, and confessed all his crimes and wrongdoings.