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耳针针刺的注意事项。The matters need attention of auricular acupunture.

了解耳针的近代研究概况。Know about the development of auricular acupuncture therapy.

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用耳针治这种病,是一种新方法。It is a new method for treating the disease with the ear acupuncture.

此外针灸和耳针疗法对夜尿也有较好治疗作用。In addition acupuncture and auriculotherapy also have better treatment effect to nocturnal make water.

它的衍生产品是“耳持式耳针”和体针的“掌上式针灸器”。Its derivative products are ear holding ear needle and device in palm for acupuncture and moxibustion.

观察运用温针灸、温和灸合并耳针治疗慢性泄泻的疗效。ObjectiveTo observe the effect of warm needle moxibustion and exercise therapy on scapulohumeral periarthrits.

目前没有证据证明耳针对于治疗可卡因的依赖性是有效的。There is currently no evidence that auricular acupuncture is effective for the treatment of cocaine dependence.

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耳针疗法,是指用针剌等方法剌激耳穴,以防治疾病的一种方法。Ear acupuncture treats and prevents diseases by stimulating certain points in the auricle with needles or other tools.

在美国和欧洲超过400间物质滥用的诊所,提供可卡因依赖的耳针治疗。More than 400 substance abuse clinics in the USA and Europe offer a treatment for cocaine dependence called auricular acupuncture.

作者最后表示,没有证据表明任何形式的耳针是有效治疗可卡因的依赖。The authors conclude that there is no evidence that any form of auricular acupuncture is effective for treating cocaine dependence.

观察运用温针灸、温和灸合并耳针治疗慢性泄泻的疗效。To observe the clinical effects that needle warming through moxibustion, mild moxibustion and otoneedle treated the chronic diarrhea.

中医戒菸的方法有耳针、体针、中药及食疗等方式。The principles of quit smoking in western medicine contain behavioral changes, nicotine substitution therapy, drugs and other therapy.

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目的观察支配耳甲区迷走神经在延髓水平中枢的投射情况,探讨耳针作用机理。ObjectiveTo observe projections of nervus auricularis vagi in brain stem of oblongata level, and to study the mechanism of auricular acupuncture.

目的观察耳针、体针、耳体针结合治疗单纯性肥胖病的疗效。OBJECTIVE To observe the therapeutic effect of auricular acupuncture, body acupuncture and the combined used of the two in the treatment of simple obesity.

内容范围包括针刺技术,灸法技术,耳针、头皮针、腕踝针法技术,腧穴特种治疗技术。Its content may include needling skills, moxibustion methods, ear needling , head and skin needling , wrist and ankle needling , and acu-point treatment technology.

确认耳针对可卡因依赖是否为一种有效的治疗,并探讨治疗方案是否影响其效力。To determine whether auricular acupuncture is an effective treatment for cocaine dependence, and to investigate whether its effectiveness is influenced by the treatment regimen.

方法总结了耳针、体针、耳体针结合等治疗方法在临床运用中的疗效,并简要阐述了针刺戒毒的可能机制。Method The author concluded different methods such as auricular acupuncture, body acupuncture, and the combination of auricular and body acupuncture which was applied in the effect observation.