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电动自行车会成为新潮'通勤车'吗?Will E-Bikes Be The New 'Commuter Cool'?

那正是你所期待的通勤车。That's exactly what you want to hear about a commuter car.

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大部分工人住在市里,我们有免费的通勤车接送他们。Most of them live in the city. We provide free commuter buses for the workers.

在那天早晨,4列通勤车车厢中共发生了10起爆炸性事件。During the morning attacks, 10 explosionstook place onboard four commuter trains.

狗的通勤车票一天晚上,我刚刚坐上车,发现兰普正卧在我的脚边。Canine Commuter One night as I sat in the train, I realized Lampo was lying at my feet.

电视大学的尼格尔·瓦布通同意这一点,再一次指出通勤车也是一个很不错的机会。Dr Nigel Warburton of the Open University agrees, again citing the commute as a golden opportunity.

新的见解基本上是一个省油的城市通勤车很少固有的妥协。The new Insight is basically a fuel-efficient city commuter car with very few inherent compromises.

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2004年3月11日,在西班牙首都马德里的通勤车地铁系统中发生了一系列有预谋的炸弹袭击,此次袭击共致死191人,伤1800多人。A series ofcoordinated attacks on Madrid's commuter train system killed 191 peopleand wounded 1, 800.

宝马i3是作为城市通勤车来设计的,而且它的车门设计最大化地方便了用户进出后排座位。The i3 is designed as a commuter car and features carriage doors that maximize access to the rear seat.

在我每天都要坐2个小时的通勤车去从事我绝对痛恨的工作时候,晨泳对我的感觉就愈发重要了。Morning swimming was especially important when I commuted two hours every day to a job I absolutely hated.

还有其他一些公司的从电动通勤车到现有车型改造的项目也在紧锣密鼓的展开。Other firms have projects under way ranging from electric commuter cars to conversions of existing vehicles.

对交叉杆式自导向转向架在日本通勤车上的适用性进行了分析。The adaptability of self-steering bogies with the cross-anchors on the commuter trains in Japan is analyzed.

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我公司承接各企事业单位上下班通勤车及超市商场购物班车。Our enterprises and institutions to undertake the word on the car commuter train shopping malls and supermarkets.

我公司承接各企事业单位上下班通勤车及超市商场购物班车。Our enterprises and institutions to undertake the work on the car commuter train shopping malls and supermarkets.

它可以为任何一台机器提供动力,包括,比如图中和通勤车类似的玩具火车。It could be used to power any number of machines, including, for instance, the commuter relatives of the toy train shown here.

你可能没看到过纽约时报上刊登的一张耐人寻味的照片,照片里纽约人乘着通勤车去上班。摄影师站在一长列座位的后面,三个座位为一排。You probably missed The New York Times photograph that showed a revealing picture of New Yorkers' rides into work on commuter trains.

尽管这不合适做通勤车的人或者夜猫子,但是大声朗读是提高阅读能力的最好方法。Though generally inappropriate for commuters or for late-night adventurers, reading out loud is one of the best ways to your reading ability.