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“社火”活动很受当地人们的欢迎。The parade is warmly welcomed by the local people.

只有正月十五至十七日,传统比赛社火按照规矩勉力为之。Only from 15 to 17 , traditional Shehuo race were held.

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当今的社火马勺脸谱,出自民间资深艺人之手。Today's fire Mashao's Face, from senior civil artists hands.

马勺脸谱为陕西民间所独有,由中国民间社火脸谱演化而来。Mashao Face for Shaanxi folk is unique, by the Chinese folk painted face evolved.

如“骂社火”和“闹春官”等都是典型的狂欢现象。Such as "curse agency fire" and "Naochun officials" are all the typical carnival phenomenon.

社火是古代祭祀土地神和火神活动的延续。Shehuo is a continuation of an ancient tradition of offering sacrifices to Land Gods and Fire Gods.

通过对河南浚县社火表演的现场体验,探求社火表演的美术特征。Through Henan Xunxian's community fire performances live experience, exploring the art fire performance characteristics.

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葛家寨社火是群众性传统娱乐活动的一种表现形式,不仅历史悠久,且独树一帜。Shehuo of GeJiazhai is a manifestation of the traditional forms of entertainment, not only has a long history, and unique.

社火是我国一种古老的民间艺术形式,是一项为人民群众所喜闻乐见的综合性文化活动,具有悠久的历史。Festive activity is an ancient form of folk art, a popular comprehensive cultural activity among people with a long history.

现在,社火脸谱不仅成为现代居室的精美装饰品,更成为非常珍贵的艺术收藏品。Now, its a excellent esthetics and decoration for home, and it's really an extremely precious artistic handicraft collection.

借助中国传统艺术视角与西方当代艺术视角展望社火艺术的美学价值。With the traditional Chinese art with Western contemporary art perspective view of the prospect's community fire arts aesthetic value.

拜灯山活动的基本内容有点灯山、拜灯山、耍社火、唱大戏等四部分。Al light of the basic elements of mountain activities are light mountain, light mountain worship, playing Club fire, such as singing four-part drama.

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社火是中国北方传统而又古老的民间习俗之一,社火包含着历史的、文化的、心理的诸多因素。Shehuo is one of the traditional and ancient customs in northern China. Shehuo includes many factors such as historical factor, cultural factor and psychological factor.

一直以来,秧歌作为我国民间“庙会”、“社火”中的歌舞戏沿承了正统的仪式性,同时又具有节庆狂欢化的反仪式特征。All along, Yangge as an singing and dancing drama of civilian"temple fair", "gam"evolutes traditional ceremony, and takes on anti-ceremony characteristic of festival bashing.

马社火是以马、骡子、毛驴为乘骑的社火表演,实际上就是宋代“肉傀儡”戏的保留或延续。The Mashethuo is one kind of traditonal Festivals' performance mainly acted as the riders of horses, mules and donkeys, and have originated from puppet emperor of Song Dynasty.

高高跷是当地一门祖辈相传的民间表演艺术,也是农历二月二龙抬头社火中一个传统的保留节目。High stilts is a local legend , the ancestors of civil performing arts , is the second-long Lunar New Year in February on the rise fire in a traditional society to retain the program.

每年春节、元宵节期间,太谷的民间社火表演达到了高潮,吸引了成千上万的群众前来观看。Boasting a repertoire of 30 performances, Taigu Shehuo reaches its climax between the Lunar New Year holiday and the Lantern Festival, attracting tens of thousands of viewers and visitors.

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千多年以来,陕西人一直保持着用戏装游行的方式来庆祝社火节的传统,以此表达对这两位神灵的敬意。For two thousand years the people of Shaanxi Longxian have been taking up the tradition to celebrate the Earth God and the Fire Ancestor in the Shehuo Carnival by parading in opera disguise.

笔者通过田野调查,对灵宝东西常骂社火有了深入的认识和了解,并取得了第一手资料。The author gains a thorough conception and understanding of the cursing festive activity of Dongchang and Xichang villages in Lingbao and gets the first-hand materials by means of fieldwork.

作者用这种犀利的笔锋讽刺当时的社火,同时又希望能唤醒那些可悲的人们,唤醒他们的良心与觉悟,唤醒所有人民的觉悟。By using this sharp satire Bifeng agency at the time the fire, while those who want to wake up sad people, awaken their conscience and consciousness to awaken the consciousness of all people.