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能让人对我死心塌地。Can make people hell-bent on me.

找一个值得死心塌地的人,好好爱。Find a worthy hell-bent person, love.

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然后他们就总会死心塌地的效忠于他了。Then they will always be loyal to him.

这种互相的保证使我们死心塌地地干去。These mutual assurances hardened us in the thing.

就算有一天脱离了身体,我依然这样死心塌地。Even if one day out of the body, I'm still be dead set.

死心塌地跟他走的只是一小撮。Only a handful of people were dead set on following him.

想让男人爱你爱到死心塌地?Want to make a man fall head over heels in love with you?

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她死心塌地爱上乔纳森的那种爱?The way she'd once been so completely in love with Jonathan?

一生中,你是否会对一个人死心塌地,我不知道如何回答?Lifetime, do you have her to the dead-set, I do not know how to answer?

羡慕那个不倾国不倾城的红太狼,却有灰太狼死心塌地的爱着。Do not envy the allure of the red wolf, gray wolf too hell-bent is love.

难怪李逵一见到宋江就死心塌地的跟定了宋江。No wonder the sight of Li Kui Song Jiang to be a dead set with Song Jiang.

你只不过是一小摄死心塌地的亲德分子头头,一个筋疲力尽的小头头。You're just the exhausted leader of a little group of earnest Kraut lovers.

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微软确实把它的铁粉们放在了心上——当然也包括那些死心塌地的XP粉。Microsoft has its loyal fans in mind, including those clinging for dear life to XP.

希特勒的早期“胜利”,只不过是一个死心塌地的恶棍出人意料地抢掠得手而已。Hitler's early "successes" were only the startling depredations of a resolute felon.

羡慕那个不倾国不倾城的红太狼,却有灰太狼死心塌地的爱着。Don't envy the kingdom is not little red too Wolf, but has a big big Wolf be dead set of love.

丑恶是七大德行之一,格拉迪斯。你是个死心塌地的保皇党,别把这些德行低估了。Ugliness is one of the seven deadly virtues, Gladys. You, as a good Tory, must not underrate them.

我要不要死心塌地地找回你?还是微笑后坚定地转身,从此变得聪明?Should I press forward until I find you again?Or turn around with a smile, become wiser from now on?

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如果像他们说的,三次代表一种趋势,那么四次意味着什么?死心塌地?至少也算是一种非常清晰的模式。If three is a trend, as they say, four would be what? Commitment? A very clear pattern, to say the least.

“一个奇库尤人不会死心塌地地跟随一位奇库尤总统”,一位国家前部长讲道,他自己就是一个奇库尤人。"A Kikuyu cannot follow a Kikuyu as president of this country", says a former minister, himself a Kikuyu.

这是一个巧合的是,新兴的战争基督教和伊斯兰教之间似乎死心塌地的决战?Is it a coincidence that the burgeoning war between Christianity and Islam seems hell-bent for Armageddon?