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民众谴责工党政府试图大权独揽。People are charging the Labour government with bossiness.

在查理斯任CEO大权独揽之后,科赫工业集团扩张迅速。With Charles as the undisputed chairman and C.E.O., Koch Industries expanded rapidly.

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这样的信息已经发出——他大权独揽享受特权的日子过去了。The message has been sent that the days when he enjoyed full power and privileges are gone.

但多数分析人士认为,无论是谁继承金正日的权力,朝鲜的新领导人都不会像金正日那样大权独揽,而只是充当一个傀儡或者一个最终仲裁者。But most analysts suggest that whoever takes over will be essentially a figurehead or arbitrator rather than a sole ruler.

第三,巴黎春天或许不喜欢福特先生在古奇旧体制下大权独揽,但是走向另一极端不一定就能解决问题。Third, PPR may have disliked Ford's power within the old regime, but swinging to the opposite model is not necessarily the solution.

他们把大权独揽的主教制度看作是宗教自由的一种威胁,在过去英国历史上这种威胁的确存在了很长的时间。They saw government by all-powerful bishops as a threat to religious liberty, which it had indeed proven to be for long periods of British history.

尽管还有种种疑虑,一些分析师称,现在就说小泽一郎将大权独揽还为时过早,这还取决于谁来担任内阁的关键席位。Despite the worries, some analysts said it was too soon to conclude that Ozawa would call all the shots and much depends on who fills key cabinet posts.

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印加国王登基是只是继承头衔,因此每位新君主都会在大权独揽之后不久就为自己和宗族修建宫殿和行宫。Inca kings inherited little more than their titles, so each new sovereign built a city palace and country home for himself and his lineage shortly after assuming power.

爬虫类的激增终极导致了恐龙的进化,恐龙一直是这个星球的支配者,直到后来它们成为某次巨大的冲击牺牲品,我们哺乳类动物才大权独揽。The explosion in reptiles ultimately led to the evolution of the dinosaurs, which dominated the planet until they fell victim to the massive impact that allowed us mammals to take over.

不管这些财富能不能造福阿富汗百姓,但矿藏所带来的滚滚财源,几乎可以肯定给卡尔扎伊带来政治上利益——谁乾坤在握,大权独揽,谁就会财源广进,堆积如山。Whether or not it helps the Afghan people, a flood of mineral revenues will almost certainly bring political benefits to Karzai -- or whoever holds office when the money starts to flow.

苏联在1991年末垮台,克格勃被划分为众多独立机构,旨在防止再一次出现大权独揽的“安全”局面。When the Soviet Union collapsed in late 1991, the KGB was divided into several independent agencies, with the intention of preventing the emergence of another all-powerful security state.