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门被拉开了。The door pulled open.

他拉开夹克衫的拉链。He unzipped his jacket.

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于是,帝国的序幕由此拉开。It was the dawn of empire.

她拉开窗帘。She drew back the curtain.

孩子们拉开嗓门使劲唱。The children sang out lustily.

我望见书房里的窗帘被人拉开。I saw a curtain move in the den.

先将固定钩向上撬起,再向外拉开。First rise up then pull out hook.

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拉开拉链并且折迭盖子。Just unzip and fold down the cover.

那领头的马同群马拉开了距离。The leader drew away from the pack.

摄影机拉开镜头拍摄人群全景。The camera panned out over the crowd.

她猛地拉开门跑掉了。She hoicked out the door and ran away.

我听见门上的链和栓被拉开了。He heard the chain and bolts withdrawn.

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上海世博会即将拉开帷幕。The Shanghai World Expo will open soon.

他们在桌上把布匹拉开。They unrolled the cloth onto the table.

正式计时赛于星期日拉开帷幕。The official timed race began on Sunday.

我拉开了门口的铁闸。I have pulled open the entrance iron gate.

他拉开抽屉,取出了一张支票。He opened the drawer and took out a cheque.

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我转动了那积满灰尘的门把,用力地把门拉开了。I turned the dusty knob and heaved it open.

“立春”拉开了春季的帷幕。Start of Spring lifts the curtain of spring.

他拉开包的拉链取出一个麦克风。He unzipped the pouch and removed a microphone.