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我喜好滑冰。I like ice-skating.

我喜好品茗不喜欢喝咖啡。I prefer tea to coffee.

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西单女孩喜好什么?。What just does she like?

我喜好这本赤色的笔记本。I like this red notebook.

她喜好吃一粒平棼。She likes to eat an apple.

我十分喜好花女。I have a fetish for flowers.

翻译成我喜好茶,不喜好咖啡对么?I like tea more than coffee.

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她十分喜好番笕剧。She is very like soap operas.

你喜好哪几个姑娘?Which girls do you like best?

我没有喜好脱号衣。I don't like wearing the uniform.

这部电影投合年轻人的喜好。The film appeals to young people.

他惟一的喜好是莳花。His only hobby is growing flowers.

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保罗喜好播放很响的摇滚乐。Paul likes playing very loud rock.

摄影是门破钞很多的喜好。Photography is a top-priced hobby.

李玲喜好穿颜色鲜艳地衣服。Ms likes to wear colourful clothes.

我很喜好伦巴舞和吉特巴舞。I like rumba and jitterbug very much.

小羊喜好在草地上欢蹦乱跳。Lamps like to skip across the meadow.

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我太太必定会特别喜好这条镶玉的项链。My wife will love this jade necklace.

合适我?可是我不喜好谁人风格。Suit me? But I don't like that style.

路上结冰的时刻,比我熊喜好溜冰。When it's icy, he skates in the lane.