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质量是分形的。Quality is fractal.

我想要质量好的。I want good quality.

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乘以B的质量摩尔浓度。Times the molality of B.

你怎么去测出它的质量How do you find this mass?

管理整个零件厂质量部。Manage the entire QA Dept.

也可以买到质量很好的仿制品。good quality reproduction.

安全和质量风险。Security and quality risks.

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高博品质,质量承诺。Brand Commitment To Quality.

买一双质量较好的球鞋。Buy a good pair of sneakers.

SQF指安全和质量确保食物。SQF means Safe Quality Food.

对质量重难点型我深表遗憾。I regret the quality problem.

这商品质量粗劣。The goods are bad in quality.

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书籍编辑质量差劣很常见。Books are often poorly edited.

生活处于质量堤坝后面。Life behind the quality dikes.

质量的单位是千克Mass is measured in kilograms.

这是质量集中的地方。That's where the mass resides.

我们可以保证质量不比听装差。We can avouch for the quality.

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打电话并保持通话质量的能力Ability to Make and Hold a Call

安丽卡是注重质量的葡萄酒。Anakena is about quality wines.

审核跟班质量报告。Check quality records of shift.