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放射医学。Radiation Medicine.

太阳放射出热量。The sun radiates heat.

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放射量控制处。The dosimetric control.

恰似太阳在我心里放射。That lightens over the heart.

太阳红红的,放射出五彩的光芒。Red sun, and emit colored light.

方法光学放射自显影术。Method Light autoradiography was used.

两只宝珠般的圆眼,放射出白光。Sarah-like round eyes, emits white light.

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太阳放射出异常的光彩。The sun was shining with uncommon lustre.

局部骨质破坏,日光放射样改变。Destruction of bone with sunburst appearance.

将给予放射学诊断以优先。Radiologic diagnosis will be given precedence.

有些癌症可用放射疗法治疗。Some cancers are treated by radiation therapy.

他之后通过放射将液滴导电。He further charged the droplets by irradiating.

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月亮透过云层放射出寒光。The moon is emitting cool light through clouds.

它们也会再次放射走一些已经吸收的热量。They also re-emit some of the heat they absorb.

它们在黑夜中放射着永远的光芒。They are shining in the night sky enchantingly.

“放射鼠”变“食人巨鼠”?"Radiation Mouse" to "giant rats eating people?"

解放军军事医学科学院放射医学研究所。Chinese PLA Academy of Military Medical Sciences.

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利用豚草及核放射物对沉积物进行年代推定Dating sediments using ragweed and nuclear fallout

长攻员负机身残骸放射亡水泡沫。Firefighters sprayed foam on the mangled wreckage.

这个笼子是那地狱般放射物的源头。This cage was the source ofthe hellish emanations.