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雷斯脱手里拿一把叉玩弄着沉吟了半晌。Lester ruminated for a while, toying with his fork.

丹尼尔沉吟片刻,“我从来没听说过他。”Danielle thought a moment. "I've never heard of him."

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部长稍一沉吟之后,便批准了请求。After some reflection, the minister granted the request.

婆婆沉吟了一会儿就回家了。The mother ponders over this for a while, then goes home.

怒啸明珠金贸下,沉吟黄浦外滩滨。Nu Xiao pearl gold trade, the pondering Huangpu Bund waterfront.

一位西方外交官沉吟道,“不知道还有什么支撑其继续执政。”“I don’t know what is keeping him there,” muses a Western diplomat.

世界厌倦透了脱口而出或再三沉吟的死亡。The world is tired of the death blurting out or muttering again and again.

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我们一呼吸,死亡,那条看不见的大河就会沉吟着流进我们的肺中。And when we breathe, Death, that unseen river, Descends into our lungs with muffled wails.

要是处在格列高的地位,他可能会张皇失措,沉吟着无所作为而贻误挽救。In Gregor's shoes he might have panicked, doubted what was happening, and fatally failed to act.

吸口气,深深看了孑孓盈立于风雨中的女子,沉吟着道。Absorb tone, deeply saw the larvae of mosquito Ying being signed to the woman in the rains and winds, pondering a way.

网络教育要更好地发展不能沉吟于“有所待”,而要汲取传统教育深度的力量。If network education wants to develop better, it cant meditate "what waited for", but will draw the power of traditional education depth.

这已经成为了一种社会规范,人们说的话不多,因为每一个词,随着与其相伴的沉吟与停顿,都承载着丰富的共享假定与态度。British speech tends to be less general, and directed more, in nuances of meaning, attendant murmurings and pauses, carries a wealth of shared assumptions and attitudes.

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那是晨风中摇曳绽放的春色,那是书香里翰墨不干的沉吟,那是枫桥边千年不老的传说,那是西窗下缠绵不绝的情思。It was morning breeze swaying the Spring bloom, it is scholarly in calligraphy quit murmurings, it is a thousand years old Maple Side legend, it was lingering under the West Window Affectional.

我不再常去网站,也不会阅读那些看似唯美的篇章,已是看倦缠绵悱恻的情殇,和无足轻重的沉吟,总免不了一番为赋新词强说愁。I don't often go to the website, also won't read those seemingly beautiful chapter, is to see tired teary ending of weakness, and insignificant thoughtfully, always to assign a new strong say sorrow.