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它是绿茵场地,It's grass court,

对我而言,那满地的松针,那海绵般的绿茵To me a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass

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湖畔绿茵重重,盛产驼鹿,黑熊,飞鼠和潜鸟。Lake Greenery heavy, rich in moose, black bear, flying squirrels, and Diver.

所有“绿茵”爱好者,都知道毛里求斯高尔夫的流行程度。Many "green" enthusiasts are well aware of the popularity of the Mauritian golf course.

我们步行来到江汉路大洋百货楼下的“绿茵阁”西餐厅。We walk to the downstairs department Jianghan Ocean Road, the "Garden Cafe" restaurant.

这家医院室外绿茵满地,室内铺有地毯。In that hospital, the ground is covered with grass and the floor is covered with carpet.

这家医院室外绿茵满地,室内铺有地毯。In that hospital, the ground is covered with grbutt and the floor is covered with carpet.

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和风轻柔绿茵平原,人们在坐骑上欢快地游玩。Swind softly blowing to green-field and plain. People bright ride on animals without sad.

齐达内在世界杯上演了用头撞人那不光彩的一幕之后,告退绿茵球场。Zinedine Zidane retired from football after his infamous head butt in the World Cup final.

还是镜报,其“绿茵探窥”栏目猜测我们在打前阿森纳中场赫莱布的主意。The same paper’s Football Spy reckons that we are chasing former Arsenal midfielder Alexander Hleb.

对我来说,那厚密的松针层或茂盛松软的绿茵地比豪华的波斯地毯更惬意。To me a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug.

有关这方面的联想到处可找到,例如「上帝要我躺在绿茵草地上」,或早期基督教有关绵羊跟牧羊人的寓言。" He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, " or the early Christian allegories of sheep and shepherd.

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在英德绿茵争斗的狂飙时期,这场比赛开局还是老样子。It had begun in familiar fashion, in the sturm und drang of a sporting conflict between England and Germany.

伊恩。赖特专程到来鼓励他的晚辈们,也最后一次看看这片为之拼搏十余年的绿茵地。Ian Wright came to encourage his later generation and saw the field again on which he played more than ten years.

这片镰刀和斧头开垦的土地,时时展示着肥沃的富足,处处散发着生机的绿茵。Sickle and hammer this piece of reclaimed land, and always display the rich fertile everywhere shade exudes vitality.

从来都没有此刻那么安静,好像远离了尘世,隐居在山野绿茵里。Has not happen ago be so quiet at the time, as if to stay apart since the earth, live in seclusion in the mountains, green.

因快捷多边,不出现冬季枯黄,春季泛黄不均匀现象,永远保持绿色如毯,绿茵一片。Instant and flexible never turn yellow in winter Yellowing evenly in spring always pleasant green in sight just like a green carpet.

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石雕是城市花园的精灵,或安详地蹲踞在绿茵从中,或静静地伫立于幽幽小径。Stone sculpture is the spirit of the city garden. Serenely crouching in midst of the greenness, or quietly standing on the secluded path.

坐拥果岭绿茵、湖畔、碧海及田园风光,与湖畔商业中心及五星级高尔夫会所相邻。It owns the greensward of the Golden Reen, lakefront, blue sea and idyllic scenery, bordering the commercial center of lakefront and five-star golf club.

“以前在周末时他们会来这里走走,”在市中心绿茵丛丛的中山公园里,一个卖饮料的小贩这样说,“但自从打架之后,他们就没再来过了。”"They used to come at weekends to walk around, " said a drink seller in the leafy Sun Yat Sen park in the centre of town. "But they have not returned since the fight.