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机舱内充满了烟味。The cabin is full of smoke.

整个机舱挺狭小的。The cabin is quite cramped.

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点解会选择做机舱服务员?。Why did you become a cabin crew?

机舱保持防火巡回检查。Have fire patrols in engine room.

机舱内镀锌管外表面。Galvanized pipe outside in engine room!

当飞机降落滑行时,机舱内一片寂静。As the plane taxies, the cabin is silent.

打开车门,行李箱和发动机舱!Open the doors, trunk and engine compartment!

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机舱里的气压立即降了下来。The airplane cabin depressurized immediately.

机舱空气质量被视为适航条件之一…。Cabin air quality seen as airworthiness issue.

从隔舱壁至机舱用水冷却。Cool down bulkheads to engine room with water.

那天晚上大约8点库柏跳出了机舱。About 8 that night, Cooper jumped from the plane.

请问阁下满不满意有关机舱的灯光?。How satisfied are you with the lighting of cabin?

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该公司能提供足够机舱设施。The company provided enough in-flight facilities.

烟筒应该安装在机舱顶棚上。Funnel shall be installed above the engine casing.

在机舱地板上安装有货物固定点。On the cabin floor there are cargo tiedown points.

从机舱里弹出飞行员的降落伞没有全部打开。The ejected pilot's parachute failes to fully open

机舱里散发着一股怪怪的气味儿,灰尘、汽油味和柠檬的味道混在一处。The plane smelled odd, of dust and fuel and lemon.

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机舱和卧室的舾装。The outfitting of machinery room and accommodation.

请问阁下满不满意有关机舱的清洁?。How satisfied are you with the cleanliness of cabin?

请问阁下满不满意有关机舱的通风设备?。How satisfied are you with the ventilation of cabin?