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合伙人入伙合营Partner joins the company.

阳市酱油厂是1956年公私合营时组建的国营企业。It is a state-run enterprise set up in 1956.

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“两个人合营也有钱可赚,是吗?”他问。"It's profitable enough for two, is it?" he asked.

外商有意向在中国办合营企业。你向他确认道,听说他打算在中国合资经营。I hear you are going to engage in a joint venture in China.

合营企业产品也可在中国市场销售。Its products may also be distributed on the Chinese market.

1954年,我们公司改为公私合营了。In 1954 our firm became a joint state-privately operated one.

“公私合营”即是达成这个任务的一种手段。And joint state-private ownership was one way led to the goal.

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甲乙双方以各自认缴的出资额对合营公司的债务承担责任。Joint Venture shall take the form of a limited liability company.

合营公司采用人民币为记账本位币。The joint venture company adopts RMB as its accounts keeping unit.

公私合营投资计划尤其为海外投资者打开了大门。The PPIP program specifically allows for foreign sources of investment.

每年提取的比例,上董事会根据合营公司经营情况讨论确定。The proportion of allocation shall be decided by the board of directors.

本合同在合营期限届满时终止。This Contract shall terminate upon expiration of the Joint Venture Term.

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鼓励合营企业向中国境外销售产品。An equity joint venture is encouraged to market its products outside China.

董事长是合营企业法定代表人。The chairman of the board is the legal representative of the joint venture.

拒绝中铝交易后,力拓同必和必拓达成协议合营一个铁矿厂。After scrapping the Chinalco deal, Rio entered into an iron ore JV with BHP.

第十一条合营企业采用借贷复式记帐法。Article 11 Joint ventures shall adopt debit and credit double entry bookkeeping.

从事零售业务的合营商业企业的经营范围the operation scopes of retail-oriented jointly-operated commercial enterprises are

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公私合营企业中,私方作为企业的操作者更具主动性。In a joint state-private enterprise, the private owner is more active as an operator.

查阅时,合营公司应提供方便。The joint venture company shall provide convenience for the checking and examination.

合营企业使用场地,必须贯彻执行节约用地原则。Joint venture must implement the principle of economizing on land in their use of sites.