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好,那么,当你完成了就来向我或者马姆利少尉报告。Ok, then. Report back to me or to Lt. Mumphreys when you have.

这个方法应该能给象陆军少尉弗雷德里克·辛普森这样的人服务。The approach is intended for people like 1st Lt. Frederick Simpson.

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在当时舰队里所有的海军少尉中,就数这家伙的新娘最漂亮了。This rascal had the sassiest bride of any ensign in the old division.

和少尉军官多得不值钱,在哪儿也不会成为座上客。He found in India that subalterns were two a penny and invited nowhere.

其中有十六名上校和二百八十二名少尉以上的军官。Among them were sixteen colonels and 282 officers of the rank of lieutenant or above.

这对年轻夫妇去了弗吉尼亚的诺福克,海军少尉卡特从学校毕业后首次服役的地方。The young couple went to Norfolk, Virginia, Ensign Carter's first duty station after graduation.

他俩默默的取下对方的少尉肩章,换上中尉的标识。They silently removed the ensign pips from each other's epaulets, and fastened the jg bars there.

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年轻的格雷姆少尉雅好文学,竟然把一箱书载在马车上。A young officer of pronounced literary tastes, Lieutenant Graham, dared to load one of the wagons with a case of books.

少尉安德鲁费拉拉与第27步兵团,包,其余他的阿森纳Gobstopper糖果。Second Lieutenant Andrew Ferrara, with the 27th Infantry Regiment, packs Gobstopper candy with the rest of his arsenal.

我不会令少尉失望的,我会阻止在克瑞普花园,以及任何地方的所有奴隶和强盗。I won't disappoint the Lieutenant. I will stop any slavers and bandits that I find in the Kryptgarden, or anywhere else.

骠骑兵少尉热尔科夫在彼得堡曾一度属于多洛霍夫把持的暴徒团伙。The cornet of hussars , Zherkov, had at one time belonged to the fast set in Petersburg, of which Dolohov had been the leader.

德军在斯捷潘诺夫卡的损失比例是惊人的,很多连队现在的连长是少尉或者高级候补军官,因为上级军官损失太大了。German casualties in Stepanovka were mounting at an alarming rate, with many companies now commanded by junior lieutenants or senior noncommissioned officers due to losses among senior officers.

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军官的一种,通常为熟练技师或直升机驾驶员,军衔处于上士和少尉之间,具有委任状。A military officer, usually a skilled technician or a helicopter pilot, intermediate in rank between a noncommissioned officer and a commissioned officer, having authority by virtue of a warrant.