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是的,但恐怕你得先交押金。How much is the deposit?

房东可以收取一笔可退还的押金。Landlords can charge a returnable deposit.

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那么如果我退交图书证,我可以取回押金吗?And If I return the card, can I get the refund?

房间号是23.这是我的钥匙和押金单.Room 23. Here is the key and my deposit receipt.

租金、房租抵押金、水电押金、等等。Rental, Security Deposit, Utilities Deposit, etc.

恩,还有件事儿,需要交押金吗?Now, one more thing, is a security deposit required?

先生,请出示您的押金单好吗?Would U mind showing your deposit chitty please, sir?

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您预定时已经交过押金了。You have paid the deposit when you reserved the room.

押金、一个月房租、地产中介商的佣金、家费……全部要准备多少钱呢?How much rent do you have to pay for a house like this?

你有没有专为押金、备货和雇工准备的资金?Do you have the funds for deposits, inventory and staffing?

如果租期希望超过2年,租金和押金另议。If rent longer than 24 month, the rent & deposit is on request.

你得先付300美元押金以及第一个月的租金。You must deposit 300 dollars as well as the first month's rent.

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你们还必须交一天的房钱作为押金。Also, you are required to pay one day's room charge as a deposit.

但是你必须交5美元的押金,以防你损坏了他们。But you have to pay a deposit of 5 dollars in case you damage them.

当你使用卡的金额会扣你的押金。When you use the card, the amount will be deducted to your deposit.

他现在穷得连租钱都不能付了,更不用说押金了。He is too poor to pay the rent right now, let alone the cash pledge.

请准备至少人民币四千元以备支付宿舍押金及第一个月的房租。Please prepare at least RMB 4000 for room deposit and 1st month rent.

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谢谢,这是您的押金单和房卡,祝您住得愉快。Thank you, and here's your recipt, room key. Enjoy your stay with us.

交二十元押金办卡.首次充值最少二十.There is a 20 RMB deposit, and a 20 RMB minimum for your first charge.

买一套定做的衣服之前,你得先付一笔押金。You have to pay a deposit in advance when buying a made-to-measure suit.