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接下来,处理那些支出。Next, deal with the expenses.

资本性支出的详细情况。Detail of capital expenditures.

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支出须由收入支配。Income must govern expenditure.

她对这项支出强烈反对。She protested about the expense.

存在三种类型支出There are three main components.

收入和支出的差距太大。His expenditure outran his income.

避免含糊的和笼统的支出。Avoid ambiguous or general expenses.

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每月日常支出详细信息Details for monthly household expenses

咱们换个话题,谈一谈款项支出吧。Let's switch the talk to disbursement.

他们正在尽最大全力以掀支出开支路。They do their utmost to open up power.

就是‘指定拨款’和‘猪肉桶’支出。is earmarking and pork-barrel spending.

把你的收入与支出记下来。Write down your incomings and outgoings.

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导赏游不包括一切个人支出。Other personal expenses are not included.

工厂蹬平菌支出是二迁美元。The average outgo of the is 2000 dollars.

我的支出取决于我的收入。My expenditure is conditioned by my income.

收入赶不上增加的支出。Take has lagged behind the increased outgo.

年支出额超出收入。The annual disbursements exceed the income.

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中国的消费支出前景不甚明朗。The picture for consumer spending is mixed.

你可能心里有笔大的消费支出。You might have a major expenditure in mind.

她的支出与收入不相称。Her expenses do not correspond to her income.