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而参议院财经委员会主席,蒙大拿州民主党参议员马克斯·包克斯已经誓言将在十月限期远未到来之前出台两党联署法案。has vowed to produce a bipartisan bill well before the October deadline.

我们两家公司联署了一份今年的合作意向书。Our two companies jointly signed a letter of intent to cooperate for this year.

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学期结束,由主办方联署颁发结业证书。The program certificate will be jointly issued by the sponsors at the end of the program.

他们把精力集中在争取商家上面,向那些商家承诺会有联署站点跟随加入。They focused on signing up merchants for the program with the promise that the affiliates would follow suit.

而国会里的每一位共和党成员,以及算不上是太少的民主党人,都是他的审计美联储法案的联署人。EveryGOP member of Congress, and a not insignificant number of Democrats, co-sponsorhis bill to audit the Fed.

尽管美国四处游说,诱压兼施,仍没有任何国家联署其反华提案,美国再次陷入自我孤立的窘境,其败局早在意料之中。Once again the United States fell into a predicament of self- isolation and its failure has long been expected.

我因此请求所有同僚与我一起,联署“废除全民医保法案”以修正这个错误。I therefore askall of my colleagues to join me in correcting this mistake by cosponsoring theEnd the Mandate Act.

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在没有显示出有支付能力或获得联署保证的情况下,21岁以下的人不允许持有信用卡。No one under age 21 will be allowed to have a credit card without showing an ability to pay or getting a co-signer.

与哈佛合会达成的协议拓展了经济资助的资金源,同样也不需要联署保证人。The agreement with the Credit Union expands the pool of available funds and similarly does not require a co-signer.

新的法律规定,首先,学生必须证明其独立的支付能力,或有父母或负责人的联署保证。Under the new law, first of all, a student has to prove independent ability to pay, or have a parent, or responsible person cosign.

美联署称,上周最新的申请失业救济的总人数有所下降,说明公司的裁员在减少。The tally of newly laid-off people requesting jobless benefits fell last week, the Fed said, a sign that companies are cutting fewer workers.

现在越来越多的经济学者认为,美联署只有等欧洲债务危机及美国高齐失业率问题解决后,才开始加息。A growing number of economists now believe the Fed won't start to boost rates until next year given the European crisis and high unemployment.

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宋楚瑜的竞选团队拒绝详述联署开始后一周内所收集到的联署人数,只是说反馈“不错”。Mr. Soong's campaign has declined to elaborate on the number of signatures collected one week into the process, only to say the feedback is 'not bad. '

过去,只有少数几家信贷公司向海外学生提供贷款而不要求一名美国居民作为联署保证人。In the past, only a handful of lenders provided loans to students from abroad without requiring them to find a US resident who was willing to co-sign the loan.

由于处于市场的早期阶段,增加一个新的品牌商家的确能够吸引联署站点,因为那时候还不具备今天这样的市场条件。Given the early stage of the market, adding a new brand name merchant had the effect of attracting affiliates because there wasn’t the saturation that there is today.

你需要权衡各种各样的需求,比如自己的需求、访客的需求、搜索引擎的需求、和你建立反向链接的网页的需求、网站分类大全的需求、广告的需求、联署营销的的需求等等。You may need to balance the needs of yourself, your visitors, search engines, those who link to you, social bookmarking sites, advertisers, affiliate programs, and others.

尽管美国向人权会成员国施加了巨大压力,然而没有任何国家联署其提案,反华闹剧和者甚寡。Although the U.S. exerted enormous pressure on the member states of the Commission, yet no country co-sponsored its draft resolution. The anti-China farce had few supporters.

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但是参议院,怎么说呢,就是参议院,意味着参议员们会被讨好和拉拢,这样他们才能进行协调,作为法案的联署人参与到游戏里,最终因为通过某些提案而得到名声。But the Senate is, well, the Senate, meaning senators like to be courted and wooed so they cantweak measures and join as co-sponsors and eventually get credit for certainproposals.

随着众议院里所有的共和党人和超过半数的民主党人在法案上联署了他们的名字,H.R.1207已经获得了极大的两党支持。This translates into a lot of political pressure on Congress. With all the House Republicans and over half of the Democrats signed on as co-sponsors, HR 1207 has enormous bipartisan support.