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她缺少坚定性。She lacks resolution.

他还缺少什么呢?Does he lack anything?

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它缺少了一些东西It's missing something.

缺少四盏投射灯!Missing four spotlights!

佩尼先生并不缺少主意。He is not short of ideas.

魔术缺少韧性。The Magic lack toughness.

那这个模型缺少什么So what's this model missing?

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在生活中我不缺少任何东西。I don’t lack anything in life.

“我们缺少每样事物,”他说。"We lack everything," he said.

她的鞋子缺少鞋带。Her shoes are missing shoelaces.

这个计划什么也不缺少。Nothing is lacking for the plan.

我们缺少收益Payoffs." We're missing payoffs.

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归根究底,是否正因为我们缺少祷告?Is the reason our lack of prayer?

大家都说你缺少领导风范。Everyone says you lack leadership.

很明显,演说缺少感染力。Obvisouly the speech lacked punch.

菲力普并不缺少能力。Philip was not lacking in ability.

缺少睡眠使她的思想变得迟钝。Lack of sleep blunted her thinking.

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平庸者并非缺少努力。Mediocrity is not a lack of effort.

由于缺少雨水,花凋谢了。The flowers failed for lack of rain.

缺少美德,何谈幸福?Without virtue, happiness cannot be.