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我的书是深蓝色封皮。My book has a dark blue cover.

他用力撕包裹的封皮。He tore at the cover of the parcel.

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这包裹的封皮扯不开。The cover of the parcel won't tear.

包裹的封皮一撕就破。The cover of the parcel tears easily.

别像传统的蛋卷一样将给包上其两层封皮。Don't overpack like a traditional egg roll.

人们可以用这种纸打印封皮。Our people can print the cover sheet with this.

打开包裹后她把封皮存了起来。She saved the envelopment after she opened the package.

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呃,至少是那些设计精美的封皮。Well, at least the way the better-designed covers look!

明白了,内部资料,封皮要什么材料的?I see. Inside material. What kind of cover would you like?

人们排队领取由皮靴和书封皮煮成的汤。People are queuing up for soup made of boots and book bindings.

找一本称心合意的本子,要有厚质而有触感的页面和好看的封皮。Invest in a really nice one, with thick, textured pages and a nice cover.

111的每个部件包含两层气体塑料封皮,一层包含着一层。Each section of the STS-111 contains two gas envelopes—one inside the other.

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后封皮的照片是真实的我,一个抑郁寡欢、长相矜持的女性。The back photo, which is really me, is a woman who is groomed and looks in control.

在班加西市中心就可以买到这种专辑封皮上带有鼓动叛乱内容的唱片,我看到有一张封皮上就画着几名叛军战士站在缴获的卡扎菲坦克之上舞动旗帜。One cover has a drawing of fighters on a captured Gadhafi tank flying the rebel flag.

用于加固书本封皮或合订本书脊的浆硬加厚织布。Starched reinforced fabric used to strengthen a book binding or the spine of a bound book.

孩子会首先看书的封皮,所以不要选看起来很无聊的书。The child will see the cover of the book first, so don't choose something that looks boring.

她买她所做的图书封皮,并拿出了她存下的当老师得到的全部报酬。She sold book covering she had made. And she used everything she had saved from her pay as a teacher.

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妈妈很生气地把我关到了卧室,扔给我一本厚厚的书。那本书黄色的封皮,看上去就像一本相册似的。My mother threw me in my bedroom and gave me a thick yellow book which looked to me like a photo album.

他发现放在厕所里的书和照片中书本的封皮一样,才知道这本书很特别。He realized the book in the toilet was something special, matching the binding of the work in the picture.

丹尼斯从不在上面写任何内容,封皮上也没有姓名没有地址。Dennis never wrote any messages inside, and there was never a name or address on the front of the envelope.