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我咕哝道。I grumbled.

她咕哝道。She mumbled.

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“抱歉,”我咕哝了一声。“Sorry, ” I mumbled.

他咕哝着道歉。He grunted an apology.

罗恩咕哝着,灰沉着脸。moaned Ron, gray-faced.

男孩咕哝著说了声对不起。The boy grunted an apology.

她在咕哝些什么?What is she muttering about?

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“小杂种!”他咕哝道。"The little cur! " he muttered.

话语由他咕哝咕哝地说了出来。The words purl out of his mouth.

他轻声咕哝着,“我没有做过。”He quietly mutters, “I didn’t do it.”

我咕哝着,想掩饰我说话时的哽塞。I muttered to hide the catch in my voice.

我咕哝道,因为他们座位离我们很近。I mutter, as they find their seats near us.

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“我也是,”乔咕哝着。"Me neither, " says Joe, but he is mumbling.

那个杂种站在那儿,看着他的背影,自言自语地咕哝道。The half-breed stood looking after him. He muttered.

她还告诉约翰不要象个傻瓜那样咕哝个不停了。There she is telling him to stop mumbling like a fool.

他对我咕哝了几句,可是我没听清他说的什么。He mumbled sth. to me but I could not hear what he said.

法希用法语咕哝了一句,又看了看表。Fache grumbled something in French and checked his watch.

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“对不起,”我咕哝着说,“我得把假装的这一套做完了事。”"Excuse me," I mutter. "I have to get this sham over with.

最后,肯尼咕哝着说,让那个小子再小心一点。ust tell them to be more careful, ?Kenny finally muttered.

一角咕哝着希望波尔不只是个儿大而已。Ikkaku mumbles how he prays Pou is not just big for nothing.