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磨练你的分析技能。Hone your analytical skills.

困难可以磨练人的意志。Difficulties can anneal will.

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经历战火的磨练。Steeled by the flames of war.

都需要经历磨练。Must experience the endurances.

金锻鍊于火。人磨练于祸患。Fire proves gold. Adversity proves men.

你一定行。-好的,你得到很多磨练。You go. -Well, you've got a lot of grit.

雅各也曾遭受过不少难忍的磨练。Jacob suffered severe threshings and grindings.

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不过,我会珍惜这次磨练自己毅力的机会。But I will cherish this chance to anneal myself.

为他工作的人把这归功于军队的磨练。People who work for him credit the army for that.

这就是我们学校的乐队,我们正在不断的磨练中成长!Thia is our band which is growing in with anneal.

苦难是磨练意志和力量的砺石。Suffering is the will and power honed stone grind.

时间磨练的是我们的机电厂品。Tempering time for our electromechanical producte.

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磨练意志最好的帮手是困难。The difficulty is the best helper for steeling will.

数次磨练,你会适应这个快步调。With practice you’ll get used to this faster pacing.

就为了今天,我会用三种方法磨练我的灵魂。Just for tody I will exercise my soule in three ways.

惟有通过刻苦磨练,我才能写出一手漂亮的字。Only when I work hard can I write beautiful characters.

磨练职业技能,在精不在多。When sharpening your career skills, focus more on less.

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冒险野营生活被认为能磨练意志。Adventure camps are considered to be character-building.

困难磨练意志,劳动增强身体。Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labor does the body.

我在贫穷中成长,但我一直都将其视为一种磨练。I grew up in poverty, but I always saw it as a challenge.