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将此作为草图保存。Save it as draft.

构思草图。Ideation sketches.

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那么如果我们把那画个草图。So if we just sketch that.

他们相信这些面部轮廓的草图吗?Do they buy these sketches?

他们画出了城市规划的草图。They roughed out the city plan.

我们从涂鸦和草图开始。We start from doodles and sketches.

他只画出了新楼的草图。He has only sketched a new building.

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铅笔就在一叠草图旁。The pencil is near the pile of roughs.

选取草图的最右侧直线。Select the right-most line of the sketch.

整个工程设计出来了并绘制了草图。An entire project is laid out and platted.

在纸上简单快速地画些草图。Draw some quick and simple paper sketches.

开始并不用自己买一个草图画板。Start by not buying yourself a sketch pad.

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他画了原子弹头模型的草图。He drafted the model of the atomic warhead.

制图员很快地把他的构思画成草图。The draughtsman rapidly blocked in his idea.

我在这上边画了个大致的草图。So I drawn a rough diagram at top right there.

产品设计师会花费大量的时间画草图。Product designers spend a lot of time sketching.

这幅草图强调了水火相斗的主题。The sketch emphasizes a theme of fire vs. water.

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你给我们画张你们省的草图好吗?Will you draw us an outline map of your province?

那么就把昨天的草图放上来算了。So I'll put up the sketch I did yesterday instead.

要做到这些,方法草图可能采用各种形式。To do so, the method sketch may take various forms.