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她出生于名门望族。She comes from a famous family.

我们家确确实实是名门贵族。We were really society nobility.

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出生经商世家,也算是当地的名门贵族。It was a local blue-blooded family.

她出身于名门望族。She comes from a well-known family.

她家在该地区是名门望族。Her family is well-known in the region.

别人有的,古德豪名门也有。Some others, Goode A door is also high.

不久,出生名门听说了这位奇异的老人。Soon Well-born heard about this unusual man.

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他是英国名门贵族嫡系出身。The best blood of English flows in his veins.

他是一家名门望族的始祖。He was the progenitor of a distinguished family.

他是名门望族的直系后裔。He is lineally descended from a respectable family.

你嫁到如此名门真是幸运。You are fortunate to marry into such a noble family.

她出身于名门望族,又很富有。这一切都是我所需要的。She is rich and of good family and that's all I want.

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这是个名门世家。This is a family that bore an ancient and honoured name.

他出身名门贵族意味着他来自一个贵族家庭。He is a real blue blood means he is from an aristocratic family.

所谓“出身名门”就是必须是名牌大厂的内存颗粒。The so-called "well-born" is to be famous maker of memory chips.

因此我们这些出自名门的人就到厨房里来了。This is how such high-born people as we came to be in a kitchen.

潜居闹市,安享静巷名门的诗意生活。Habitat busy submarine, to enjoy a quiet alley door of poetic life.

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在苏州一条粉墙黛瓦的老街上,住着一个出生名门的九旬老太和她六十多岁的保姆。On an old Suzhou street, lives an old lady in her nineties with her nanny.

他的语气就像是正在对一位出身名门的贵族说话。He spoke to the maid as if he were speaking to the most highborn of nobles.

但是,他原先的第四位妻子出生名门在死后投生为一只生活在森林里的瘦鹤。However, Well-born had died and been reborn as a slender crane in the forest.