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出售二手房。Sell a second home.

那么何不出售人生?Then why not sell it?

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这些都特价出售。All there are on sale.

这间房子降价出售吗?Is this house on sale?

牛奶是分等级出售的。Milk is sold in grades.

衬衣降价出售。The shirts are on sale.

这些橡皮在削价出售吗?Are the erasers on sale?

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你们有文具出售吗?Do you carry stationery?

出售10个所有混合水果派。Sell 10 cobbler is pies.

这些长袍减价出售。These robes are on sale.

这些样书打折扣出售。A sample piece of fabric.

这些生果是出售的吗?。Are these fruit for sale?

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茶叶按磅出售。Tea is sold by the pound.

我们想向你们出售汽车。We want to sell you cars.

香蕉是按斤两出售。Bananas are sold by weight.

鸡蛋论斤出售。Eggs are sold by the catty.

牛奶分等级出售。The milk is sold in grades.

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当然,我们也会出售这些大米。Yes, we sell this rice too.

并借此出售广告。And sell adverts against it.

那家商店出售刺绣品。The shop sells embroideries.