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他还拿着根金头的手杖。He had a gold-headed cane.

他向他们挥动手杖。He waved the stick at them.

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把手杖拿给我。Pass me the ' walking-stick.

他用手杖抽打那个小孩。He switched the boy with a cane.

张教授拄着手杖走路。Professor Zhang walks with a stick.

他把手杖猛地戳进地里。He jabbed his stick into the ground.

他的手杖可代用棒球棒。His cane answered for a baseball bat.

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狗看见我的手杖就退缩了。The dog cringed when it saw my stick.

他把手杖靠墙立着。He propped his stick against the wall.

玛莉把手杖戳进了地里。Mary jabbed her stick into the ground.

玛莉把手杖戳进了地里。Mary jabbed his stick into the ground.

他听到手杖和拐杖触地的声音。He heard the tap of canes and crutches.

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他歪戴着帽子,挥舞着手杖。He cocked his hat and twirled his stick.

那位老先生离开手杖就走不了路。The old man cannot walk without a stick.

这些天,他夸耀着他的镶有象牙的手杖。He sports an ivory-handled cane these days.

珀西老太太把她的手杖放在身旁够得着的地方。Old Mrs. Pursey kept her cane within reach.

这老人没有手杖就走不了路。The old man could not walk without a stick.

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他无聊地用手杖敲击自己的大腿。He thwacked his cane idly against his thigh.

我看见一位老人拄著手杖蹒跚而行。I saw an old man hitching along on his stick.

盲人用手杖敲击人行道。The blind man tapped his cane on the sidewalk.