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我决不降低要求。I settle for no less.

可能也停了降低羞耻心的那种?Also the shame reducer?

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约翰你觉得呢,-希望降低吧。John? -Hoping for lower.

降低你的标准。Lowering your standards.

降低期望值。Scale Down Expectations.

把拖船拖缆降低。Lower towing line to tug.

想在膳食中降低脂肪的含量?Want to cut fat in meals?

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不要降低你的地位。Don't abase your apartment.

他的马降低了速度改以慢步行进。His horse slowed to a Walk.

价格绝不会降低。Price will never fall back.

降低电流密度。Reduce the current density.

降低升降台托盘。To lower the elevator tray.

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他降低了批评的调子。He toned down his criticism.

他不会降低要求的。He won't modify his demands.

这个工作将被降低难度。The job will be dumbed down.

这大大降低了抖动。This greatly reduces judder.

降低单胺氧化酶的活性。Dropping the activity of AMO.

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如果是,就可以降低风险。If so, this reduces the risk.

她是不会降低要求的。She won't modify her demands.

为什么油价可能降低?Why might oil prices go down?