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你的唇边是呼之欲出的春天。Your lips are of be vividly portrayed spring.

现在,JRuby版本的ruby-debug也呼之欲出了。Now, a JRuby version of ruby-debug is in the works.

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主体性教育在反思教育的进程中呼之欲出。Subjectivity education presents itself in the process of reflecting education.

每个中国怀疑论者都有一个呼之欲出的新黄祸的预言。Inside every China sceptic is a prophet of the New Yellow Peril waiting to be let out.

这样就能让你的胸看起来呼之欲出。The idea here is to make your breasts look like they are going to pop out of your clothes.

这就要求更多的自由和法制,就像你看到的一样——这些需求已经呼之欲出了。This requires more freedom and rule of law, and you can already see mounting demands for it.

首当其冲那种呼之欲出的甜美夹杂着浓重的树脂辛辣气味是令人难以忘怀的。The first rush of effervescent sweetness paired with the dark balsamic spiciness is quite memorable.

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也许,瑞凡在影片中的表现之所以呼之欲出,是因为他缺少生来为明星演员的做作。Maybe what makes River so evocative is that he lacks the affectations of the born-to-be-a-star actor.

梦幻般的角楼和巴罗克风格的山形墙让城堡那异想天开的浪漫魅力呼之欲出。The romantic and whimsical appeal is all but apparent in the fantasy exterior of turrets and gabled baroques.

随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步完善,与之相呼应的民法典也呼之欲出。With the progressive improvement of our country's socialist market-economy, Civil Law is ready to come out at its call.

第二,新经济制度呼之欲出,新经济秩序正在人们眼前渐渐成形。What's more, new economic institutions were being created and a new economic order was taking shape right before our eyes.

在我观望的时候,一只海鸥飞过云杉。呼之欲出的太阳把它的腹部映成粉色。天终于晴了。As I watched, a gull flew by, above the spruces. Its breast was rosy with the light of the unrisen sun. The day was, after all, to be fair.

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酒王大赛临近,我的战争恶魔恶魔在蓝景天在体内的准备,呼之欲出,彼得他日夜遭受。Wine king contest is approaching, my war devil devil is in blue Crassulaceae in vivo ready to, be vividly portrayed, Peter day and night he suffers.

不过,陈的政府还是做妥了大量有关开放旅游的协议准备,开放观光已经是呼之欲出。Still, Mr. Chen’s administration has already negotiated most of the details of an agreement on tourism, making it seem increasingly likely to happen.

猎豹的立体造型与指环配合得天衣无缝,隐含的呼之欲出,充分表现了性感,醉人的女性美。The stereo modelling of cheetah and ring blend flawless, implicit be vividly portrayed, behaved sex appeal adequately, the woman of intoxicate is beautiful.

至此,将LED用于照明的最大技术障碍已被扫除,被誉为“人类历史上第四代照明”的LED灯呼之欲出。At this point, the LED for maximum technical obstruction lighting have been swept away, known as "the human history of the fourth generation lighting LED lamp ready".

吊带将丰满的胸部衬得呼之欲出,一头棕色大波浪缠绕着落到腰际,双眼流波婉转顾盼生辉。Condole belt will be plentiful full chest line gets be vividly portrayed, a big brown waves winding landing to waist, eyes flow wave tactfully look unripe brightness.

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雕塑不只是留住历史的工具,更是传承精神的灵魂之躯,精雕细琢,呼之欲出,雕镌的是永不磨灭的文明与精神。Sculpture is not only the tool that records and keeps history, but also the soul carrier of inheriting spirit. The life-like sculptures is carving the immortal civilization and spirit.

随着美国各大媒体开始筹备二战诺曼底登陆纪念报道,法国是否对美伊战争采取“高姿态”的问题也呼之欲出。As America’s greatmedia outlets have begun preparing for coverage of the D-Daycelebrations, the question of a “grand gesture” by the French towardthe American war in Iraq has been raised.

所有的突发性事件,不论是恐怖主义袭击,自然灾害,或是禽流感事件,遭遇巨大的危害,许多组织机构都痛心疾首,沉重的声音呼之欲出,到底我们该如何应对?With all of these recent incidents, whether terrorist attacks, natural disasters, the H1N1 pandemic, many organizations really are taking it to heart and saying, how do we better prepare?