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是一个带有很多同心圆的量角器。A protractor with many co-centre circles.

同心圆的圆心是一个。The centres of concentric circles coincide.

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同心圆孔板是最经常使用的形式。The concentric orifice is most frequently used type.

其他的看起来像是一组同心圆由中心向四周辐射,圆心有几架飞机。There are aircraft placed in the center of this circle.

同心圆影像改变多需数月追踪始现。The image of Balo in MRI began at several months from the onset.

这就是他将其,称为同心圆的原因。So that's why he thinks it appropriate to call them concentric circles.

品味这时成了一系列同心圆,如同池塘里的水波。Instead tastes are a series of concentric rings, like ripples in a pond.

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几秒钟之后,池塘充满了同心圆的节奏美。For seconds afterward, the pond is filled with the rhythmic beauty ofconcentric circles.

你们手上也有一份神圣性的同心圆,描绘了祭司体系中对于时间神圣性的概念。You have similar concentric circles of holiness characterizing the priestly conception of time.

地轴指向北极星,在这一圈同心圆中心附近。The Earth's axis points toward Polaris, the North Star, near the center of the concentric trails.

对传统式和准同心圆式两种外部耐压液舱结构进行了模型对比试验。Contrast experiments of traditional and quasi homocentric pressure tank structures have been done.

“理查特结构”这一奇特的同心圆地貌位于毛里塔尼亚境内撒哈拉沙漠中瓦丹小镇。The Richat Structure is a prominentcircular feature in the Sahara desert of Mauritania near Ouadane.

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同心圆绘图的第三层。与同心圆中心层的外圆和同心圆第2层的内圆相吻合。The third layer in a concentric circle drawing. Fits between Concentric Center and Concentric Layer 2.

同心圆代表不同的文化,而小方片代表了不同的情绪。The cultures are represented by concentric rings, and the emotions are represented by slices of the circle.

成都市位于四川盆地的成都平原上,是我国为数不多的较典型的同心圆城市之一。Chengdu City, which is located in the west of Sichuan Plain, is surrounded with hilly and mountainous areas.

为了求解两个同心圆的半径,必须计算分析各测点对之间的噪声相干性和信号相干性。We must analysis the coherence of noise and signal of every site pairs for the comfirmation of the two radius.

文中还给出了当平面波正投射时,同心圆盘-圆环结构上感应电流各分量的幅度分布和散射场分布。Numerical results are also given for the current distribution and the far radiation patterns of a disc-ring structure.

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装置主体是一件巨大的光之锣,由投影出的五彩同心圆和强烈的音浪组成。The installation consists in a big gong of light, made of coloured concentric projections and intense sound vibration.

靶可用纸、布或其他材料制成,上有黄、红、浅蓝、黑、白5个等宽同心圆区。Target can be paper, cloth or other materials, there are yellow, red, blue, black and white five width concentric zones.

承启楼—一座具有同心圆结构,高四层的土楼,建于17世纪,位于福建永定县。Chengqi lou, a 17th-century tulou, or earthen building, in Yongding, China, consists of concentric rings rising four stories.