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有些人试图协理驾驶员取得损坏的汽车。Some people were trying to help the driver get out of the dwoulmaged car.

这实情上是在协理者的高度,一种从协理别人而获得的精神大爆发。There's actually a helper's high, a spiritual surge you gain from serving others.

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劳瑞拉贝雷斯宾塞是负责本科招生的协理主任。Norrine Bailey Spencer is the associate provost and director of undergraduate admissions.

如果你的生活一团糟,去协理其他处在困难中的人摆脱困境。And when you're in a large number, you get yourself out of the mess helping somebody out of theirs.

台湾兆丰证券协理黄国伟表示,"供应趋紧给不少电脑厂商带来了麻烦,所以要问我在未来几个月中复苏能有多强,我只能说这还是个问号."So it remains a question mark if you ask me how strong the recovery will be in the next few months.

马拉威东南方的一座农庄上,工厂协理乔治•卡顿巴非常看好这种炉灶。Here on an estate in south-eastern Malawi, Assistant Factory Manager George Kathumba is enthusiastic.

议会发源自12世纪国王召集贵族和大主教出席协理国事的委员会。The origins of Parliament go back to the 12th century, when King's councils were held involving barons and archbishops.

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当您加入公司,你加入一个准一级,并成为银协理当您击中快速局。When you join the company, you join at an Associate level and become a Silver Associate as soon as you hit the Express board.

当访问者点击的准的网站,并通过亚马逊购买图书,协理收到委员会。When visitors clicked from the associate's website through to Amazon and purchased a book, the associate received a commission.

全面实用的谈话技能训练,协理您尽快适应海外生活及求学环境。You will learn essential la freeguage skills partisticicularly useful for integration into the local life when you are studying or living abroad.

前对外经济贸易大学校长、前中国国际信托投资公司协理、原公司总经理徐世伟。Mr . xu shiwei , former president of university of foreign business and economy , former assistant president of citic and former president of ciec.

斯坦福夫妇遭受了世上父母所能遭受的最大痛苦,然而他们懂得通过协理他人来协理自己。The Stanfords had suffered the worst thing your mom and dad ca constantly endure, yet they understood that helping others is the way we help ourselves.

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第一项所称经理人,包括总经理、副总经理、协理及各业务单位之主管、副主管。Managers as referred to in the first paragraph include presidents, vice presidents, assistant vice presidents and directors and deputy directors of each business department.

苏教授是中大校友,一九八三年取得澳洲国立大学哲学博士学位,九三年加入中大任教,现兼任协理副校长和教务长。Prof. So received his Ph. D. from Australian National University in 1983. He joined CUHK in 1993 and now serves the University as associate pro-vice-chancellor and registrar.

行星研究学家艾伦·斯坦,NASA前科研协理署长,称新理论“十分新颖独特,”但不容易证明其正确性。Planetary scientist Alan Stern, former NASA associate administrator for science, said it is a "very clever new idea, " but one that is not easily tested to learn whether it is right.