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我从文字中找寻慰藉。I seek comfort in them.

我们都在找寻什么?What are we all looking for?

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找寻自我控制、管理之道。Seek the path of self mastery.

浣熊在垃圾里找寻食物。Racoons foraged in the garbage.

那是一种我们应该找寻的情绪状态。It is an emotion we should seek.

我要找寻些露珠来。I must go seek some dewdrops here.

人生就是为了找寻爱的过程。Life is a process of seeking love.

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猎犬折回小山谷想再找寻到嗅迹。The hounds harked back to the dells.

他说他在找寻真理。He said he was searching after truth.

我渴望找寻到一丝内心的平静。Ihope to find a little peace of mind.

雨渐渐歇停,我找寻那束阳光。Out of the rain, looking for sunshine.

我在冰封的深海,找寻希望的缺口。I was frozen deep-sea, to find hope gap.

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他在社交生活里找寻平安。He searched for peace in his social life.

他们到处找寻小锡士兵。They were attacked by marauding soldiers.

迁移性的有机体如何找寻他们的路?How do migrating organisms find their way?

放亮眼睛,竖起耳朵随时随地找寻机会。B. Keep eyes and ears open for opportunity.

他的兄弟则在找寻非洲和一碟沉香。His brother sought Africa and a dish of aloes.

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她们到处找寻那个丢失的刚出生的宝宝。They go ITe or tITe easysting to the miss kid.

如今这种相似性已是难以找寻了。Now the family resemblance can hardly be traced.

她在清晨极早的时刻去找寻救主。She sought the Saviour very early in the morning.